Fiftieth - Secret Relationship (Part 2)

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The Next Day

Erza's POV

I immediately woke up and looked at the clock. It's just 6 am and the wedding is at 10. I went went to Lucy and Wendy to wake them up. After a few shakes they got up.

We showered, dressed and meet up at the apartments lobby. "I'm all fired up", said Natsu. I looked at the time and it's 8:30 am. "Let's go we have to be there at 9 am", I said.

Jellal's POV

I'm wearing a white tux. They also told me to wear a mask. It's just 9:00 am. They asked me to head to the church at 9:30. I sighed, I always dreamed of Erza being the first girl with me at the end of the church. This maybe a pretend but still.

A sudden knock made me jump off my seat. I opened it and it turns out it's the guy I will pretend to be.

I asked him to come in and he did. Out of no where he removed his mask. I got shocked but he just sighed.

"W-what...I thought", I couldn't finished my sentence. "I'm Gareth and I know who the sorcerer is", he said. I was about to speak when he continued, "She is my love and she love me too. This marriage is forced. I have never even saw the girl I'm about to marry and she has never seen me. The sorcerer is my maid. I let her see my face and we kept our relationship hidden because my parents won't agree."

"You have to help me. She broke up with me because she thought I agreed in keeping our relationship because I'm ashamed of her. My parents spread a rumor that she kidnaps all blue haired person. What they didn't know was its all just a cover up so we could run away. I already informed her about the truth then all the fake kidnaps", he finished.

"What can I do?", I asked. "Talk to the ones assign to protect me and my fiance", he said. I looked confused and asked,"Isn't that us?"

"No they asked another wizards that will guard the real couple while you two pretend", he said. "Okay so what's the plan?", I asked.

"Convince my parents that we could still held the wedding at the church, with the real us, then you and your friend could help me escape with Serena. I wasn't able to contact her and tell her my parents plan", he said with a sad tone.

"Okay so Serena, who is I presume the sorcerer? What if we just go with the plan of your parents because they might get suspicious then while we are having the fake wedding you will delay your wedding and by the time Serena ambushes the fake wedding you sneak out and run to her. Me and Juvia will handle the wizards your parents asked to protect you. As far as I remembered the real wedding place is just one block from the church. So you'll be able to make it", I suggested.

He thought for a moment and smiled. We shook hand and I asked,"So what guild took the job anyway?" " I forgot but Nanny said that it's got a pink haired and raven haired that kept on fighting, red head, blue head and blonde", he said.

"Shit", I mumbled as I realize who he is talking about. "Why?", he asked. "They are our guild mates", I said. "Then why be frightened isn't it better cause you know each other unless you guys are fighting", he asked.

"That's not it. The red head is my girlfriend and during the ceremony, when your Serena shows up, she will see me at the Altar marring another woman, not to mention her friend", I said in horror.

"It's fake", he said. "Fake or not, intended or not, doesn't it hurt to see someone you love marring another?", I asked. He just shook his head in understanding.

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