Forty Third - Over Protective

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No One's POV

A scarlet head could be seen lurking around in the shadows as if she is a ninja. She looked up, down and side by side.

"Boo", whispered by a white haired girl behind her ear. The scarlet head jumped in surprise and yelped "Kya"

The white haired couldn't stop laughing as the scarlet head recovered from the fall and the heart attack her friend gave her.

"What was that for, Mira?", the scarlet head asked rubbing her ass. "I couldn't help it. Seeing the mighty Titania scared and yelping," Kya" So not you Erza", said Mira.

Erza sighed and looked down. Mira patted her shoulder and asked," You sneaked out again didn't you?" Erza nodded her head in shame.

Mira shook her head and asked," Why do you keep doing it. He is just concern" "Concern? More like over Protective. Mira you said it yourself I'm the mighty Titania and I didn't got that title for nothing", Erza said and stopped.

"I know that he wants to protect me but he must understand that I'm strong. I can take care of myself and make decisions. I'm old enough. I don't need him protecting me for all I know I can protect him. Ever since we became a couple he is always around. I mean I'm happy and all specially when they are freed.", Erza finished.

Mira just let out a sigh. She looked at her friend and said," Erza make sure on what you're saying. You are lucky to have Jellal like that. Like Laxus he is overly protective but they are our boyfriends and it's normal. Some boys doesn't even care about there girls"

Erza sighed and said," I know that and I am very pleased with it. I love him so much and it's cute"

"I know right. Specially when they are jealous", said Mira like a high schooler. Erza's eyes lit up and said," I know right it shows there cute side"

"Then what's the problem?", asked Mira. Erza breathed out and said," He doesn't let me go on jobs on my one"

"Ohhh", said Mira. Erza looked at the ground and Mira continued which made her look up again," You can't blame him though"

"Why?", Erza asked. Mira gave Erza an oblivious look and said," Remember when you did a job alone and you crossed paths with Ichiya? "

Erza shivered upon hearing Ichiya's name but recovered and remembered what happened that day.


Scenario 1

Erza was walking on the mountains when she felt the too familiar presence of the most annoying, living, creature on earth.

She looked down and found Ichiya at her legs sniffing her. She felt chills ran down her spine and kicked the creature away from her. As in far far faaarrr away.

She continued her walk but luck wasn't on her side and Ichiya came back but with his three annoying minions.

Good thing she was walking home though because if she wasn't then the four creatures might tag along her job.

She made it to the guild with still four, annoying creature tailing her. When her luck came back at full force she saw Jellal and Jellal punched the four clown to another galaxy.

Scenario 2

Erza did another job ALONE. Luckily she didn't crossed path with the four clowns of Blue Pegasus sadly she was ambushed by the Jiggle Jugs Gang.

A trio who is rubbing people's food. They are wearing some violet outfit and they are fat. Erza remembered them and protected her strawberry cheesecake.

She also remembered when they fought for the picnic set Erza had always dreamed of having. Just like there first encounter they tried to take Erza's food and failed.

She went back to the guild happily. Little did she know that the Jiggle Jugs Gang followed her but instead of taking foods they took Jellal who is just about to welcome Erza.

Sadly Erza didn't even let them touch a single hair of Jellal and was thrown to other universe. Not so surprise for Jellal.

Scenario 3

Erza was on the train when she came across the Jiggle Butt Gang. They are trying to steal some jewels from a commoner when Erza saw them.

Erza being Erza immediately stopped them. They tried to use there Secret Jiggle Butt Art:Gas butt triple ecstasy but failed or didn't tried.

Once they notice it was Erza they just gave up. They sat with her back to the guild. She re quipped with the same outfit as the gang. Once they reached the guild Carla and Wendy passed out.

Lucy and Natsu almost as they remembered the particular gang. Jellal went to his girlfriend but once he saw what she is wearing and who she is with and she is jiggling her butt in the air like it's nothing, he too passed out cold.

End of Flashback

Erza didn't noticed Mira who sat down at the grass as she remembered some jobs she did alone when she became Jellal's girlfriend.

As Mira noticed that Erza finished with her flashback, she stood up and asked," Know the answers?"

Erza just looked down and nodded. "If I were you go inside to your boyfriend before he thinks that you were kidnap or hang out with some gangs", said Mira while walking towards the guild doors.

Erza nodded slowly and followed her friend. They entered and was met by the usual noisy and chaotic guild. She scanned the entire area and looked for her boyfriend.

Jellal's POV

I was sitting at the guild, nervously waiting for Erza. I shivered as I remembered her missions alone.

Every single time the guild doors open I looked if it's Erza. Now that it was opened for 745 times I sure hope the 746th was Erza.

When I looked it wasn't. Sadly it was Mira. I was about to give up when I caught glimpse of Scarlet. I stood up and saw Erza scanning the guild.

I ran up to her and made sure she isn't being tailed, has weird outfit or weird people with her. I sight out of relief that there is nothing.

When we met each others eyes she jumped to me. I caught her just in time. I carried her bridal style back to my sit.

She is blushing hard and kissed. I stopped dead on the tracks and once we broke for air, I said," of that's for what you did you are still not off the hook"

I don't know why because usually we would argue about it and just work it out but now she smiled and said," thanks for your protectiveness"

I smiled and she snuggled at my chest. Our Guild mates started looking and I just blushed. I still don't know the reason but base on Mira and Erza's exchanged look. It's all good. Maybe I don't have to punish her but reward her instead.

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