Thirty Fifth - Love Fortune

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Erza's POV

Mira and I are walking at the park where a festival is being held. As far as I've heard this festival is called 'Ai Ai Festival'.

This festival became popular because of its Love Fortune Papers. Mira forced me or should I say bribe me with 5 strawberry cheesecake just to go with her.

We came upon different stalls. Some have figuring while some have foods. I was walking when Mira squild and dragged me to a direction.

Once I have pulled myself together I looked at her and she has tears in her eyes. I looked at where she was looking and it was like a shrine

There is a long line of girls at the Shrine. When Mira and I got into the line that's when I noticed this is where they get the love Fortune.

"Mira why do I have to do this again?", I asked. She looked at me as if I'm the dumbest person on earth.

"Look Erza this things are true", she argued. "Umm no it wasn't", I said. "Is",she said. "Not", I said back. We went one like this for about five rounds and we are half way from the Shrine.

"PROVE IT", i said. She sighed and said," Remember Jemel, The girl I met in the market a year ago? She is head over heels to Japas. She went here did what the paper said and now they are engage."

"Are you serious? ", I asked. She nodded and it doesn't look like she is lying. When we finished talking we are already at the Shrine. Its a magical glass jar full of envelopes inside. Once you put your hand inside the jar will know whom you love then it will state what he loves and how he can love you more. We payed, prayed and took an envelope each.

The envelopes are color pink with a cute small red ribbon at the opening. The only difference from mine and Mira's where the very small stamped at the upper right corner. Mine has a 154 in it while Mira has a 516.

We were about to open our envelopes when some kids playing around run passed us. I dropped my envelope but got it before the wind blew it away.

We head back to my room in Fairy Hills and got ready to open our envelopes. We faced each other took our envelopes in hand, remove the ribbons and took out the paper inside.

I read mine and I froze. It said," He likes it when you are calm. He enjoys your girly side. He hates it when you keep fighting specially to nonsense things. He will love you more if you become more patient and good girl"

I looked at Mira and she looks so happy. "Hey what you got?", I asked. She blushed furiously and hid her paper. " You?", she asked. I smirked and also hid the paper. "Fine", we said at the same time.

Mira looked at the clock and bid goodbye. I starred at the paper and sighed. "I am so screwed", I said and fell asleep.

The Next Day

I went to the guild while thinking of what that paper said. "Will Jellal really like me more if I follow the paper?.", I thought.

I reach the guild and entered. It's like the usual. Everyone is fighting. I looked around and found Natsu and Gray fighting. My veins are thickening out.

I was about to scold at them when Jellal came in. I remembered the paper and dropped down intentions of punching those two up to Mars.

Jellal walked sat at the bar talking with Laxus. I smirked and thought," They have gotten close since Jellal and the rest of crime sorciere got free"

I still in deep thought when a table came flying towards me. Everyone stopped on what they are doing. They all looked at me and held their breath.

I'm having a deathly aura and was about to kill the suspect until I remembered that paper again. Natsu ran at me and begged for his life. "Nevermind", I said with forced smile and doing my best just to not kill this bastard.

I sat at the bar and ordered a strawberry cheesecake to calm my senses. I looked around and Jellal is still talking with Laxus.

1 Week Later

Mira and Laxus confessed to each other and now a couple. Guess it worked on her. This past week I am using ALL my might just to be calm, I didn't reacted when Gray dropped my cake and Elfman smashed it or when Natsu ate my strawberry cheesecake and almost burned my hair.

I made my way to the guild and was about to enter when some kids approached me. I recognised them, they are the kids from the festival.

As if on cue Jellal is walking towards me. "Hey Erza", he said. I smiled and was about to answer when the kids spoke and said," Hi Ms I think our envelopes got switched"

"What envelopes?", asked Jellal. I blushed hard and said," N-nothing" The kid smirked evilly and said," Well she and her friend went to a festival and when we bumped onto each other her love Fortune envelope got switch at my pet wants envelope"

I blushed more and death glare the kid. Jellal blushed too and looked like he is about to explode.

Jellal's POV

After what I heard the kid brought out some pink envelope. "Well kid how can you be sure that you switch?", I asked.

"Well for starters the small turtle stamp at the lower left corner was missing all their is was 154 number at the right upper corner. Secondly when I opened it there is a name here that says Jell", the kid said but was cut off by Erza.

She covered the kids mouth and laugh nervously. "K kid we did got switched. Here is your envelope", she said and took her envelope and give the kid his.

She ran towards somewhere but I followed. She stopped and panted. I did too and catched up to her. "Why did you run?", I asked.

"Why did you chase me?", she asked. I walked up to her until our faces were inches apart. She blushed furiously.

"You know you don't need that Love fortune", I said. "Why?", she asked. "If that person really loves you then he will love you for you. If you will change yourself just to be loved then the one he love is not you. It's the other persona you created. Besides what kind of dumb person wouldn't love you for you. Your beautiful, amazing, strong, funny, nice, kind and mesmerising", I said truthfully.

"Why did you change this past week Erza?", I asked. She didn't answered. "is it because of that mistake love Fortune? Who ever this guy is he is darn lucky but you don't have to change because if that guy can't love you then it's his lost", I stated.

"Besides ill always be here for you", I said. "Read the paper please", I said. She smiled, tore the paper apart and threw it away.

"Just like you said I don't have to change", she said as she walked back to the guild. I walked beside her and asked," Umm just a thought of curiosity who is the guy"

"You", she said, kissed me on the cheeks and run. I was stunned of what she did. I snapped out and smirked from ear to ear.

"She loves me. She loves me", I shouted over and over again as I flew towards the guild. I saw her leaning her back against the wall.

I walked towards her and was leaning for a kiss when she turn her head and said," I have a finace"

I chuckled and made her face me and we kissed. The kissed lasted like hours. We broke apart when we heard some squils and "awwws"

We saw the entire guild cheering for us. We blushed and Master shouted," Horray for the new couple"

We interwined our hands and I whispered," Don't worry you will have a fiance and that is me" She blushed and we entered the guild to celebrate. The Erza, Titania, Queen of Fairies are back to her old but loving self.

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