Thirty Ninth - Smashed Cake

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No One's POV

"Hey Jellal", shouted by a blonde boy with a scar like lighting at his eyes. A blue haired man who is Jellal turn around and went to his friend.

"Laxus have you seen Erza?", Jellal asked. Laxus smirked and asked," Why miss your girlfriend? " Jellal blushed hard that it will put Erza's scarlet head in shame.

"One beer please Mira", Jellal shouted at the barista. Laxus looked at Jellal and asked," Hey want to fight sometime?" Jellal drink his beer straight and nodded.

Laxus looked shocked and asked," Now?" "Yeah now", Jellal answered while wiping some beer of his mouth.

The two mages went out the guild and some members followed. They heard the conversation of the two and wouldn't miss this fight for sure.

Jellal's POV

Laxus and I went outside for our fight. I smirked and he did too. I charged at him using meteor but he too use his lightning speed.

We both dodge each others punches. We smiled when we part knowing how this could end.

I launch at him again. He tried to dodge my kick but he didn't have the chance to dodge my punch. I gave him a blow at the stomach and he backed away.

I did too backed a few steps and smirked. His smile grew wide and he used his lightning speed once again. He gave me a blow at the chest and threw me across.

I land or should I say crashed onto something. I walked up to him and we shook hands. "Nice fight", I said.

He smiled too and said,"You're right good and nice fight but I think that's your last" "What makes you say that?", I asked.

"Well considering the fact that you landed on that", he said pointing at the box where I crashed.

I went near it and opened it. "I am so dead", I murmured. Inside the box are strawberry cheesecake of non other than Erza Scarlet.

"How angry could she get?", I asked Laxus nervously. "Ohh trust me it will get ugly", he said as if remembering something.

"For example, umm Natsu, that idiot is fighting Gray when he made Erza dropped her cake having Elfman step on it. The Titania destroyed the entire guild and made Natsu, Elfman and Gray unconscious for a month.", Laxus said.

"Besides look around you",he said and I did as told while he continued, " Everyone is terrified even if they didn't smash the cake because they will also face Titania's wrath. Just look at how they shivered"

"Wow thanks you are a real friend", I said with sarcasm. I remembered once again the fright faces of those people.

"Don't worry I will do my best in stopping those idiots to ruin your funeral", Laxus said patting my back.

We all went inside the guild and I sat to think. I can imagine Erza having her deathly aura in her Purgatory Armor ready to bring me to hell. I shivered at my own thought.

I mean I can't die just yet. I have plans. I want to marry, a family. I'm still a virgin for pits sake. Damn I just got freed from the council last month now I will die.

Mira snapped me at my thoughts and said,"So got any plans to mot get killed" I pouted at her statement. She giggled and said," I know a way for you not to get killed"

"Really?", I asked hoping for my life extension. "Yes but promise you will do EVERYTHING?", she asked with eyes sparkling. I hesitantly nodded because I heard rumor the this she devil is addicted to match making.

"Well we won't tell Erza about the cake just yet. First you have to know if she loves cake more than you", she said. I jumped put of my sit and asked," Whaaat?"

"We will make her choose between you and the cake, if she chose you then we will tell about the cake", she started but I cut her off and asked,"What she didn't?"

She sighed and continued," I was getting there. If she didn't you will book a flight to a place far far away from here." I face palmed but nodded because this is the only choice I have.

2 hours later

I was preparing for the Team Natsu's return. I spaced back and forth while freed put an anti break at the entire guild. Guild mates started hiding either under the tables or the counter.

The entire team entered and they all got shocked of the guilds silence. I breathed out and showed a slice of strawberry cheesecake.

I got closer to Erza and Mira came out of hiding. "Welcome home Erza.", Mira greeted. Erza asked,"What's the meaning..." But was cut off.

"Erza choose, Jellal or this delicious, delicate treat?", Mira asked and I face palmed of how she introduced the Damn cake.

Erza blushed and stuttered, "C-cant I have b-both? " Mira shook her head and Erza sighed. "Strawberry cheesecake.", she started.

I bowed my head thinking I lost to a strawberry cheesecake.  I mean seriously a CAKE. This is so shameful. I snapped out of my thoughts when Erza spoke again,"I don't CHOOSE YOU",

I looked at her and smiled. I dropped and cake and hugged her. She is hugging me back although she kept looking at the cake that I dropped.

"Umm Erza..", I started but she cut me off and asked," Mira did any large strawberry cheesecake was delivered here" Mira and i froze at her question.

"About that. I smashed it by mistake. I swear Erza we were just playing around then I crashed then it was...", I reason with her but she cut me off with a kiss.

I kissed her back. "It's okay I'll buy a new one", she said. I smirked and said," I'll buy then some other time I could bake for you" She blushed and we interwined our hands.

As we walk out of the guild I heard Natsu and Gray said, "Hey how come he didn't get a single punch?" "Because it's love", answered Mira and I think she fainted but I know Laxus will catch her.

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