Thirty Fourth - Mr. Spy (Part 2)

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Jellal's POV

We reached the room and we all got in. Laxus approached us and looked confused. "You said a date. Didn't know you're dating two", he said.

"No just the scarlet head. The white one is just her bestfriend", I said. I faced them both and explained who I am. I told them the danger I hold but surprisingly they are in.

They are excited. As if they have always wanted this. I left them in the training room while I told Laxus what happened. He gave me detail of the Black syndicate.

"When?", he asked. "Today", i said. "What about them", he asked while pointing at the room where the girls are.

I sat down and said, " I love Erza, man. In two days I fell whole in love with her. I want to be with her but I can't risk her life. It's unfair. I'm a bad news at her. She won't be happy. I should let her go. Insert her some memory remover, for both of them."

I was about to speak again when I heard the door open. It was Erza and she has tears. She moved closer and slapped me.

"Did you honestly think I'll be happy without you? I happen to love you. Sorry mister but you entered my life and you can't just leave", she said.

I hugged her as if my life depended on it. She burst into tears and we sat down. Laxus left with Mira to have our privacy.

"I want to be with you too. I'll be happy with you. I need to. Please, let me stay", she said. I sighed and said," Are you sure? Erza you will leave everything behind. You can't always be with your friends and family"

She looked at me and kissed me. I kissed back. "I'm sure", she said as we broke apart. I sighed heavily and as if on cue Mira and Laxus walked out of the room.

"Don't worry Jellal Mira is in too. I explained everything and she is still in", Laxus said. My eyes widen for Laxus said my name. Erza looked at me and said," Your name is Jellal?"

I looked down and nodded. "Jellal what? I want to know my future surname", she said. "Jellal Fernandez", I said.

We were happy and all when Laxus laptop beep. He looked at why and his eyes widen. I stood at his side. He faced me and said," We have to get ready" I nodded and faced Erza.

"Erza ill leave for a while. Don't worry I'll come back safe. I promise", I said. She was about to speak when an explosion happened. We saw five guys walking from the window.

They got closer and grabbed Erza. I grunt in pain as one of them shot me. "Listen we will keep your girlfriend for awhile. You can take her back anytime.", said by one of them.

I looked around and saw a gun about a feet away. I was about to grabbed it when someone stepped on my arm. They left and I saw Laxus and Mira unconscious.

Minutes later Laxus woke up and carried Mira to the sofa. He looked at me and said," Jellal we are facing two enemies, one is the organisation you betrayed second is the black syndicate"

I nodded my head and took out some weapons. "What us the plan?", he asked. "You stay here, guide me with your laptop and take care of Mira while I save Erza", I said.

He sighed but nodded. I know that Laxus wants to come with me but we both know that they only want me to go to them. I gathered my weapons and ride my motorcycle.

"Laxus, any info about Erza?", I asked through the earpiece. "Yes, she is 59 kilometers away. I'll guide you.", I nodded and he continued, " Okay turn left then go to the underpass"

I did as Laxus told. "Now go out at the opening in 6 meters straight then left. The one that says 'Noburksi'. Now that you are out, go straight. If you can see a white sedan that's her" I nodded and looked around.

I saw 5-6 white sedans. "The fuckin Laxus their are a lot of white sedans here.", I said. I got closer at every sedan and found her. It's the one at the right lane. I moved closer but the cars moved due to the green light.

I sighed and followed again. I was getting closer. I got to there side and saw Erza. She saw me too but didn't let the bastards know.

Unexpectedly Erza punched the two guys at his side. Five guys riding a motorcycle each gain on me. I took out my gun and they did too. I accelerated my speed and turn my motorcycle. I aim at them and they are all out.

I ride again my motorcycle but the sedan stopped. It turns out Erza knocked out all the kidnappers. She got out of the car and run to me.

We hugged each other. We were still hugging when 15 men surrounded us. I turn while Erza is at my back. I was holding her hands tight.

They each took out a gun. "Well well well. Jellal, my boy, long time no see", said by Faust, he is like a father to me, he trained me to be a hit man.

"Meet my friend Mardgreed,", said by Faust, pointing at Mardgreed, the leader of black syndicate. Mardgreed shoot me but I cought it.

Faust laugh, faced Mardgreed and said," He is uniquely trained and highly motivated - a specialist without equal immune to any counter measure. There are no secrets he cannot extract, no securities he cannot breach, no person he cannot become. He most likely anticipated this very conversation and is waiting to strike in what ever direction you move. He is the living manifestation of destiny and he has made you his mission"

I smirked and shot all the men surrounding us. I left Faust and Mardgreed alive. "Well done. I'm not disappointed in training you", Faust said.

Mardgreed run towards us but Erza punched him. I laugh and fight Faust. I kick Faust guts and he punched my face. He took out some rope and tie my hands. I used this as an advantage and choke him.

I got free of the rope and tie him, hands and feet together. I looked at Erza and Mardgreed is knocked out. She looked at me as if she is bored.

I chuckled and came close to her. "Damn your hot", I said. She snaked her arms around my neck and we kissed. Some MIF members came and took out Mardgreed and Faust along with their weak soldier.

Erza and I saw Mira and Laxus holding hands. I smirked at them and Laxus smirked back showing some ID. I looked closer and it's Erza and Mira's. They are officially members of MIF.

I carried her and spun her around. We rented a new hotel room and their lies a phone. I walked closer and opened it.

"You have a new mission. It's located in Europe. You have to disband a certain syndicate that plans to capture The Queen. Are you in or out. This will self destruct in 10 seconds", said by a voice. It started to count down to ten then it exploded. No debris are left.

We looked at each other and smiled. "We are going to Europe", said Mira and Erza together.

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