Sixty First - Competition (Part 2)

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The Next Day

Erza's POV

"Okay Mira we have to do this", I said very determined to win. Mira gave me a nod but she is eyeing Laxus. "Um Mira?" , I asked. She got startled and said,"Erza! You gave me a fright"

"Fright?", I asked kind of confused with her vocabulary cause it's so un-Mira. "Yes fright. Got a problem? ", she asked having dark aura. "As if that will work", I mumbled not wanting to start a fight.

"Okay the next game needs one representative each team", shouted Master. "I'll go", Mira suddenly said. In fact too sudden it's as of she is anticipating for something.

I looked at her curiously and she went to the stage. Just as I've thought Laxus is the other contestant. "Okay everyone our next game is called " Heaven and Hell" the players will have to choose between the two then they will pick a stick with the title of a song that they'll have to sing from the bucket labeled with their choice. "

"Hell", said Mira. "Well then I guess I'm in heaven", said Laxus and winked at Mira as a respond Mira blushed hard.

They both made their way to their buckets and picked a stick at the same time. As they raised it I went to Mira and she have to sing, Dance with the Devil. I looked at the other side of the arena and it turns out Laxus will sing,"God Gave me you"


After they sang Mira went back to the bar to give Laxus a beer a kiss. I sigh thinking what would happen to Jellal and me.

Just my luck we're called on stage. "Are you both ready?", asked Master. We looked at each other then nodded.

"The both of you will have to race and get the goblet", said Master as he pointed at the Sakura tree that could be seen from the lacrima.

Jellal and I was about to head out when Master stopped us and said,"Seems easy but you guys will have your legs attached with one another"

Jellal and I got shocked but before we could react, we're already at each other's side with legs attached.

"NOW GO!! ", Master shouted and Jellal used Meteor. "YOURE DRAGGING ME", I shouted at Jellal then he apologised and stopped.

I sigh and said,"we should walk" "wait you have a fast armor right? Maybe you could use that while I use meteor", he suggested.

"Yes, I could and I have but we still have no coordination", I argued. "Want to practice? ", he asked as he leaned so close to me, so close I could smell his breath.

I blushed hard and he laugh."Don't play with me Fernández cause two can play that game and I never lose", I countered.

"WHAT? HAVE YOU PLAYED WITH OTHERS?", he asked red from anger. "Jealous, I see", I said with a smirk knowing ill win this.

"What if I am?", he said leaning closer almost closing the gap between us. "No", I said as I did close the gap and we shared a kiss.

As we broke apart he asked, "No?". I nodded and said,"No, I only and will only play this game with you" I close the gap once more.

It feels so good but we had to stop cause of the cheers we heard. We broke apart and ran together towards the Sakura tree.

"Get it", he said. "Sure?", I asked. Once he nodded I did get it and our attached legs became apart. I looked at the goblet and smiled.

He went by my side and pour some wine on the goblet. "Drink it", I said. "No you won you should drink it", he argued.

"For me", I begged with puppy dog eyes. He sigh and drank it. I took the goblet from his hand and kiss him. When we broke apart I said,"Got my prize"

He just smirked and carried me away from the crowd. "Gosh I love you", he whispered. "I love you too", I said with a kiss on his cheek.

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