Fortieth - Mother's day

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Jellal's POV

I got out of bed and looked around. "Huh Erza must be cooking", I mumbled. I stood up and dress up. I head to the kitchen to look for my beautiful wife and our twins.

I was smiling widely and went to my wife. She is cooking and it smells good. Our twins are already sitting down, I kissed there foreheads as we greet each other morning.

I head to my lovely, beautiful, sexy wife and hugged her from behind. She hummed and I said," Good morning love" "morning sleepy head", she said with a chuckle.

When she finished cooking I let go of the hug and she brought the foods at the table. I sat at my sit and she did too. Erza was at my right, our daughter at our left while our son is across me.

We ate like a Family. Once we finish eating, we all cleaned up. The kids went to their room and took a bath, Erza did too and I said I'll come after her.

As she finished I went inside the bathroom and took a bath. When I finished, I dressed up and meet up with Erza and the kids at the living room.

Once we are complete we head at the guild together. While walking we passed by some kids running around with flowers and chocolates.

When we entered the guild everyone is pacing back and forth. Well it's the usual noise but something is off. I sat with Laxus, Erza sat with Mira and the kids play around with the other kids.

I looked at Laxus and he said that Mira looks angry. I looked at my wife and I said," Well I could only sense that Erza is getting irritated"

"We didn't go home late yesterday, right?", I asked him. He shakes his head and said,"it's not there bday." "Its not our anniversary or the kids bday, yours?", I said and Laxus shook his head.

"What's with today?", we asked in unison. We saw Erza and Mira storm off the guild. We looked at each other confused when we heard Nashi said,"HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MOM"

That when in clicked. We looked at each other and sighed. "We have got to fix this", he said and I nodded in agreement.

We head out to follow our wives. "Okay Laxus sniff your wife", I said. He started sniffing and we start to hunt.

We were led at a river. They were both crying. "Okay this is where we part ways. You take your girl while I stay here with Mira. Goodbye and good luck ", he said. "Yeah you too just give me the news", I said and head to Erza.

Erza's POV

I was crying at the river with Mira. "I can't believe it they forgot", I sobbed. "Yeah it looks like they can't put it at there thick head", she said.

I was still sobbing when someone scoop me up and dragged me somewhere. I tried to breakfree but no bail. I saw that it's Jellal and I changed to my Purgatory Armor. I could see the fear and shiver at his eyes.

"Look let me explain", he said. I went back to my usual clothes and turn my back to him. "Please let's go home", he said.

I sighed and started walking. He isn't speaking and nor was I. "Erza", he started and continued, " I'm sorry if I forgot"

I made her face me and said," Happy Mother's day my love" "it's fine. It's just that the kids remembered but you didn't", I said honestly.

He suddenly carried me bridal style and he used his meteor. "Jellal where...", I started but he cut me off. "I'll show you something", he said.

He brought me to a mountain. "What??", I asked but he cut me off again. I swear the next time he cut me off I will cut his HEAD OFF.

"I found this during a mission. This will be my gift for this special day made for you mothers", he said.

He took off his cloak and lay it on the grass. He lay down and motioned for me to lay too. I blushed and did as told.

I used his chest as a pillow and he wrapped his arms around me. We relaxed and calm atmosphere surrounded us. We kept watching and a breathtaking scenery behold upon us.

The sun is setting, it has a beautiful scarlet at blue color due to the clouds. I smiled and almost cry. He hugged me tighter and said," I love you so much Erza sorry if I forgot about this day"

"I love you too", I said tearing up. He kissed my tears away then kissed my nose then we kissed, lips to lips.

We didn't notice the time and it's already 7 pm. "Jellal we forgot something", I said as I remembered our kids. He looked confused and said," damn"

He put his coat around me and fly towards the guild. There we saw out twins waiting for us. Once they saw us they ran up to us and we hugged. I carried Jeric while Jellal carried Ezra.

"I thought you abandoned us", Ezra said tearing up. Jellal hugged her and said,"Never in a million years" As we carry our kids we held hands and went to our Home.

Happy Mother's day to all mothers. We kids owe you a lot and we love you so so much <3

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