Forty Ninth - Secret Relationship

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Jellal's POV

I'm happily walking towards the guild, Fairy tail. It sure is nice to have my freedom. No more running or hiding.

Me, Meredy and Cobra joined Fairy Tail while the rest chose their own. Time sure do flew fast. It's been 5 months already since our freedom and not to mention me and Erza have been together for 3 months.

Nobody knew, though. We both agreed to keep our relationship a secret. It's not like we are shy about each other, it's just pretty complicated.

Laxus and Juvia knows about our hidden relationship because they are like my bestfriends. As for Erza I don't know if she told anyone.

I didn't notice that I was infront of the guild doors. I took a deep breath and entered. I saw Erza seating with her team. It sure would be nice if our relationship isn't a secret, then I could walk up to her and put my arms around and kiss her and hug her in public.

I smiled sadly and went to the bar. Laxus is drinking beer. "Hey, Mira can I have some beer", I said to Mira. She nodded and went to get my beer.

"When will you guys spill the beans?", Laxus asked. I just shook my head and Mira handed me the beer I ordered. I mumble a 'thanks' and she nodded.

I looked at Laxus as I heard him chuckled. He patted my back and I remove his hand. Every time we meet he kept asking the same question.

I was half way to finish my beer when a very sad Juvia went up to me. "Hey why you sad?", I asked. She shook her head and sat beside me. "Oh please Juvia, do tell", I said as if I'm a poet. She laugh and nodded.

"Well Gray-sama still ignores Juvia", she said. I sigh and said,"Juvia, you have got to lay low sometimes, so you know, Gray can realize his feelings to you"

"Is that why Jellal is having a secret relationship with E", Juvia started but before she could continue I clamp my hand towards her mouth.

Laxus laugh and I gave him my dead glare. "N-no Juvia that's irrelevant", I told Juvia and removed my hand to her mouth.

We stayed silent for a while until I asked,"Hey want to go on a job?" "Cant just had one", said Laxus. I faced Juvia and she nodded. We went to the request board and looked for a job.

It didn't took long until we found one. It states:

MANDATORY: a blue haired girl and boy.

For 400,000 jewels, catch the really strong sorcerer that kidnaps all blue haired person.

Location:Shirotsume Town

Apartment is already provided.

"This should be easy", I said. Juvia nodded and we went to Mira for the job. When it's all done we agreed to meet at the train station in two hours.

Erza's POV

Jellal walked in the guild and he has a sad smile. Well I can't blame him. We both want our relationship to be a secret, right?

Yeah I suggested this but I want to know his own opinion. I want to see if he is fine with secrets and it turns out he is fine.

It's sad that he agreed cause I was hoping he would say no and want to tell everyone about US. I was still in deep thought of how and why we kept this relationship a secret when I saw him and Juvia walked towards the request board.

"Looks like they will go on a job.",I thought.  As if on cue Natsu, Lucy and Happy went to me and informed me about our new job.

I nodded my head and we have decided to meet in one hour. "They did got close, huh?", I thought bitterly as I remembered Jellal and Juvia.

At the Train

I board on the train with my team. "Ahh I feel sick can't we just walk to Shirotsume Town? ", asked Natsu. "What noo it's kinda far. Wendy can't you really help Natsu?", exclaimed Lucy.

Wendy looked down, shook her head and said,"Sorry Lucy-san but Natsu-san's body doesn't get affected by my trioa anymord"

I patted Wendy's head and said,"That's fine Wendy, I'm sure Lucy can take care of Natsu" Lucy blushed but once she recovered she gave me an evil smirk.

I shook my head nervously and mouthed,"Please no" because my relationship with Jellal is known by Lucy and Mira, only them and nobody else.

Lucy nodded and I sigh out of relief. "What's the job by the way?", I asked trying to change the topic. "We will protect a blue haired rich couple from a sorcerer that kidnaps all blue haired person", said Gray.

At the mention of blue haired I remembered Jellal. I mean of all hair colors it has to be blue. Lucy's smirk got wider than the last one. "Natsu, Lucy is scaring me", said Happy with a scared voice. Natsu just groaned.

Jellal's POV

"WE WILL WHAT?", Juvia and I asked the man who send the request. We just got to the town. "You guys can do it. Please for the sake of our town", begged the man.

I sighed and Juvia did too. We stared at each other for a while and nodded our heads in defeat. I mean this isn't what the request said but I guess this is the towns way to catch the sorcerer.

"Wait but what if they found out we aren't the rich couple?", asked Juvia. I looked at the man with an eyebrow raised. "Don't worry no one ever saw their faces all the people new was they have blue hairs. Because whenever they go out of their rooms they wear mask that hids their identity. Only the parents and trusted Nanny knows their faces", said the man.

The man guide us to the house or should I say mansion of the blue haired boy's family. They let us in and it's true both couple wore mask.

"Okay you boy will pretend to be our son while you girl will pretend to be our son's fiance, understood? ", a woman asked who I assumed is the mother of the groom.

Juvia and I nodded our heads. "Don't worry you'll just represent them at the wedding ceremony", said the man as he put an arm around the mother of the groom so maybe he is the father.

"WHAT?", we asked nog knowing about weddings. "The truth is we called you here because the sorcerer threatened us that she will kidnap our son and his fiance", said the same man.

We were about to protest when the mother of the groom said,"Don't worry its not a real wedding, it would be all fake, then we will have the real wedding at a room. In short you'll just be a cover up"

Juvia and I sighed again because we can't do anything about it anymore. We are a Fairy Tail wizard and a real Fairy never backs down.

"When's the wedding?", I asked. "Tomorrow at 10 am while the real wedding will be held at the same time", said the groom's father.

Erza's POV

We looked for a place to stay. "It's so sad that they will have to hide the real wedding", I heard Lucy. We stayed in the same room along with Wendy while the boys stayed at another.

"Well they have no choice besides we won't let them be apart.", I said calmly. "I wonder what do they look. I mean it's too mysterious. They always wear a mask.  It must also be irritating", said Lucy.

"Good night Lucy", I said as I drifted off to sleep.

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