Eighth - Make him/her Jealous

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Jellal's POV

Its been 3 weeks since the council let me, Meredy and the Oracion Seis free. The guild throw a party for us that lasted for 5 days. Laxus was my first friend.

He even help me look for an apartment. I did my first job alone and its an S- class for according to Master, Mystogan is a S-class mage and we have the same magic level.

I just got back from that job and decided to go to another but with Erza and bring her to an amusement park I kept hearing about from Meredy.

I happily entered the guild but sadly she isnt their. I looked around and saw a very sad Juvia. I made my way to her and chat.

Juvia's POV

I was still sad for my Gray-sama is away. He went on a job with team Natsu. I was planning to invite him on a job and stop by at an amusement park.

I dont understand why he doesnt want to go on a job with me. I was still in deep thought when Jellal sat beside me. "Hey", he greeted.

I smiled and asked," What is Jellal-kun doing here? Juvia thought he is on a job?" "Well I just got back. Whats with the sad face", he said.

"Nothing", I answered while shaking my head. He pouted and said," Come on tell me, besides youre a guildmate and Meredys bestfriend"

I still shook my head. "What about I treat you some shake then tell me your problem", he insisted.

I let out a laugh and nodded my head. He smiled and said," What shake do you want? Mine is blueberry shake."

"Oooh thats Juvias favorite. Juvia will have that as well", I answered. "Same goes here", he said and ordered.

Once he come back I spill whats on my mind. We chat and chat until we have decided to leave. We were about to go out when Mira stopped us with a scary eyes.

She was having a dark aura and said in a slow voice and smile,"Where are you going?" "W-we are going t-to the park", Jellal stuttered. "Why is that?", she asked. "J-just to hang o-out", I stuttered as well.

"Why", she asked with gritted teeth. Jellal and I looked at each other and laugh. She looked pissed. "We are going to the park as friends", Jellal cleared.

"Nothing more, nothing less", I continued. She calmed down, smiled and said," Okay good day" Jellal and I laughed more and made our way to the park.

Jellal's POV

I got to say Juvia is a pretty good company. She is beautiful, kind, sweet and funny.

We were laughing when we saw the Ice Cream parlor. I looked at Juvias hungry eyes and chuckled, "Come on lets grab some"

Her eyes lit up and dragged me towards the Ice cream shop. Once we get their we shouted at the cashier,"One coffee/blueberry ice cream duo, please"

We looked at each other and laugh. They served us the said Ice cream when Natsu came in rushing with Lucy. Afterwards Erza, Wendy and Gray too came in.

Gray's POV

We just finished the job and it went great. Natsu saw an Ice Cream parlor and dragged Lucy inside.

Erza, Wendy and I followed inside. The scene that welcomed us is beyond my imagination. I mean I can see Juvia with Gajeel buying an Ice Cream but not with that blue headed bastard and no Im not Jealous.

They looked at us and we just entered the world of awkwardness. Natsu and Happy broke the silence with the most stupid way. "Oooh Jellal and Juvia are on a date", Natsu said.

"They like each other", commented Happy. I may look calm but deep inside I want to kill Jellal.

Erza's POV

I want to requip to my Purgatory armor and kill Juvia. I could see her and Jellal are having a very good time together. God my blood is boiling.

I cant believe of all the girls why Juvia. When the silence was broke in the worst way by Natsu and his stupid cat.

Jellal said," Hey guys" Me and Gray just forced a smile while Natsu, Lucy, Happy and Wendy ordered at the counter.

"Lets go Jellal-kun?", asked Juvia to Jellal. When did she start calling him Jellal-kun? When did she even start hanging out with Jellal? Jellal nodded and Juvia said," Good bye guys see ya later?"

"Where are you guys heading?", asked Wendy when they are about to leave. "We'll head to an amusment park.", answered Jellal. "Where?", asked Lucy.

"Just a train away. Its last day is today", said Juvia. I got more pissed when I found out they'll go to an amusement park. "We'll have to go. Bye guys", said Jellal leaving with Juvia.

Juvia's POV

Jellal-kun and I made our way to the amusement park. We played games and do some rides. I really enjoyed this day.

We didnt notice the sun set and was about to leave when I saw a large blue teddy bear. "Want one?", asked Jellal. I shook my head but he dragged me to the stall.

"You dont have to Jellal-kun", I said. He looked at me and payed the guy for one round.

"Okay you only get one shot. You see those apples? Well all youve got to do is to simply shoot that apple with these bow and arrow. The smallest the apple the bigger the teddy bear.", instructed by the man. Jellal nodded and grab the bow and arrow.

He concentrated, locked his target at the smallest apple, took a deep breath and shoot. He shot the smallest apple.

I cheered while the man got shocked but eventually smiled. "What bear?", asked the man. "Large blue teddy bear", said Jellal with an amuse smirk. I cant help but smile.

Jellal's POV

I handed Juvia the prize and she smiled. I too smiled and before we knew it the amusement park is closing.

I never thought Juvia could be my bestfriend. I told her my feelings towards Erza and she told her feelings towards Gray even though I already new.

We head back and I brought Juvia to her apartment, the dorm. Juvia knocked and I waited for her to get in.

It was opened by Erza. God Erza looks so good in her night gown. Erza let Juvia in and I head home.

Erza's POV

I heard a knock and I bet it was Juvia. I immediately went down and opened the door. I was right and she is holding a large blue teddy bear.

"Youre late?", I asked. She blushed and said," sorry Erza-san. Juvia didnt noticed the time." I just sighed and head to my room.

At my room

"Why Jellal", I murmured before I drifted off to sleep.

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