Thirty First - Leave

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Jellal's POV

"Ahhhhhhhhhh", I shouted. "What do they expect me to do? I can't just risk my members life anymore", I told myself as the council's words kept repeating in my head.


"Jellal we will grant you and your guild some freedom if and only if you're guild was able to eliminate the Antediluvian, Lukewarm and Crystal Black guilds.", said the chairman.

My eyes widen for these three guilds are the top dark guilds who follow Zeref. The most top is the Crystal Black. "Why would they look for me and have this request? ", I asked myself.

End of Flashback

We have successfully eliminated the top 3 and 2 but with my members condition they can't handle the top 1. We barely survived the top 2 and 3.

I looked at them and saw how injured they are. I cant let there efforts be thrown away. I closed my eyes and have decided to bring them to Fairy tail where is safe.

The Next Day

We have arrived at Fairy Tail safely. I told them that we will first stop here. I never think of my plans because Eric might read my mind.

As we get closer I can't help but think of the plan but I immediately erased it with Erza. Everyone knows I have thing for her thanks to Meredy.

As we entered the guild they all became louder. They were all still exhausted and wounded. The guild must have noticed and brought them to the infirmary.

I went to the counter and found Laxus drinking beer. "Hey Jellal", he greeted. "Hey, umm where is Master?", I asked. "At his office why?", he asked. I was about to answer that I'll talk to him when I heard my name being called.

I looked for the source and found Erza along with team Natsu. The guild became louder and we greeted each other. Erza came closer and asked why I'm here.

"I'll just talk to Master and the guild needs some help", I said. I made my way to Master's office and knocked on his door. I heard come in and I did.

Master Makarov's POV

I heard a knock and said come in. I looked at who it is and it's Jellal. "Ahh Jellal my boy what brought you here?", I asked. "Master I need some help", he said and looked at me seriously.

I nodded and told him to sit. As he seated he told me about the council. I've heard about there upcoming freedom but not so much details.

"What can I do my child,", I asked ready to help at any cost. "Master can my members stay here?", he asked while I nodded.

"Master, my members barely survived the two I can't risk them to come with me", he said. "What do you mean my child?", I asked.

"I will finish what I started and while I'm gone please take care of my members and please don't tell them about my plan. Also don't think about it because Eric might read your mind", he said.

"Are you sure about your plan? Do you want to be accompanied by", I said but he cut me off and said, " Yes Master I'm sure and No I wish to do this alone. Like I said I don't want to risk anyone's life"

I sighed but nodded and wished him luck. He said that he'll leave tonight. I also found out about Ultear. Poor Meredy. Must be one of Jellal's reason  for wanting Meredy to have freedom.

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