Eleventh - Our Fight

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No one's POV

Its has been two years since the crime sorciere got free and joined fairy tail. 6 months later after the said freedom Jellal asked Erza to be his girlfriend.

The moment Jellal got free he sweared he will make Erza happy. Now Erza and Jellal are the happiest couple.

They were sitting at the park bench laughing and cuddling. Their moment was interrupted by Jellal's lacrima, he got one for whenever the council needed him they could call him.

Jellal got his position back as a wizard saint 2 months after their freedom. "Jellal", said by Lahar. "What is it?", asked Jellal.

"You are needed here we have some matters to discuss", answered by Lahar. Jellal nodded and shut down the lacrima.

Jellal's POV

Lahar just called and asked me to go to the council. I brought Erza back to the guild although she insisted on coming with me. As soon as she entered the guild I used meteor to head to the council.

The Council

I got to the council faster with meteor. Once Lahar saw me he dragged me to the meeting area. Everyone is sitting down with calm expressions.
"Have a sit Jellal", said by the chairman. I nodded and took my sit. "We'll cut the chase and get to the point", said by a member.

"You'll be moved to another continent and MUST stay their until you have finished the mission.", said by Doranbalt.

I got a shock expression but they shrugged it off. "Only you Jellal are capable of doing this mission", added by Lahar.

I sigh and nodded my head. "Dont worry the shortest time you could be gone is 1 year, that is if my calculations are correct.", said by the Chairman.

"The longest?", I asked. They looked down and Lahar said," 5-10 years" "What is the mission?", i asked.

"The continent you'll be transfered to is being hostage by 6-7 dark guilds. Only you could go to that continent for they seem to acknowledge the surname "Fernandez", plus only you can travel with meteor", explained by Lahar.

I nodded and asked them to give me more details. I wasnt really listening though for Im planning on how to tell Erza and Master.

At The Guild

Erza's POV

Jellal hasnt returned yet and its been 5 hours since he left. I was drown at my own thoughts when Jellal opened the guild doors and instead of going to me he went to Masters office.

When he entered there is one thing I noticed, he looks down. After a few minutes he came down with Master and the two of them have sad faces.

The Master stood up on a barrel and called everyone for an announcement. Jellal approached me and asked me to go with him outside.

Jellal's POV

I told Master everthing and he understood. I head to Erza and told her to come with me.

She nodded and I brought her to my house. As soon as she is comfortable I told her everything.

She is now crying and Im hugging her. "P-please dont l-leave me. Im b-begging y-you. J-jellal dont g-go", she pleaded.

I caress her cheek and said," I have to help them Erza" She stood up and said with an angry tone," Jellal what about us? Me? Im sorry if Im being selfish but, but I cant live without you anymore"

She bend down and continued crying. I walked up to her, bend down at her height and kissed her.

Surprisingly she kissed back. As we broke apart I said,"I understand Erza but I have no choice. Erza God knows how much I love you and how much it hurts me to see you cry specially when Im the cause"

"Bring me with you", said Erza. "Its dangerous, besides only a "Fernandez" was allowed to entered that continent", I answered.

Erza blushed and said," D-dont you w-want me to be Erza Fernandez" I immediately got the idea and blushed as well.

I said," I'd love it if you'll be a fernandez for that would mean your my wife but its too dangerous and we'll be gone for so long what about your life here. It would be unfair"

"Jellal Fernandez I was not called "Titania" for no reason and your my life. Look if your not ready to marry me then so...", said Erza but I cut her off with a kiss.

When we broke apart she saw the proposal ring I was holding. "We have 4 weeks to leave.

We could held our wedding a week before we leave then used the one week left for preparations", I said as I fit her the ring.

She was now crying. I smiled and we kissed. As we broke the kiss I whispered," You know we could ask the guild to prepare then this week could be our honeymoon" She blushed and nodded. I smiled and brought her to my room.

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