Fifty Fifth - My Hero

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Erza's POV

"Hey Mira! I'll be taking this S-Class job", I shouted as I head off. Mira nodded her head and smiled at me.

I went out the guild and start packing. This journey could last for days. It's been so long since I did a job on my own. "Speaking of jobs didn't Jellal just went on one, a S-Class too?", I ask myself.

I sure am glad that he joined Fairy Tail. Thankfully the council set them all free to start a life of new.

I just finished packing and head out to the train station. I found a nice seat and settled in. It didn't took long before I arrived at my destination, The Hargeon.

I went out the train station and went to the owners house. It says here that the owners name is Matil Jilkins who lives at the mountains. He want me to kill all the beast at this mountain.

"Well that should be easy", I thought. I mean after killing the 100 monsters at the Grand Magic Games. The reward is also not that bad, 3 million jewels, this could settle me for almost 2 months both for food and for rent.

After hours of walking I have reach the owners house. It's not that hard to find because it's like the only house at this mountain. Well his house is not that big or small. It's made of wood and has good structure.

I step at the front and knocked, nothing. I knocked again then I heard some footsteps. The doorknob was twist and was opened by a man.

He have orange hair, violet eyes, face like Ichiya, thin body and he is 5'2. Plus he has a red mustache. How weird is that?

He let me in and I did. "Have a sit", he said and I nodded. "I presume you're here for the job?", he asked and I, once again nodded.

He is walking around while nodding his head. When he didn't do anything I said,"I'm Erza Scarlet" "Yes, I recognised and I'm Matil Jilkins", he said, stopping and facing me.

I stood up thinking he would shake my hands but he didn't instead he attach a sticky substance at my hands.

I looked at it bewildered. He has a smirk plastered at his ugly face. I tried removing it but it suddenly glowed.

"You know Erza Scarlet or the famous Titania, I expected more from you. I never thought you would fall for a simple trick", he said laughing maniacally.

I gave him a death glare but he laugh more. "That substance will only be activated if put to the target, hence you detected it late", he informed.

I gritted my teeth as I feel my consciousness and power draining. "Good night Titania", was the last thing I heard.

Jellal's POV

I just finished a job and was heading back to the guild. On my way I stopped by a wooden house. Who on earth would build a house at the mountains where no living creature could be found?

Letting my curiosity get the best of me I checked it out. I went to its steps and knocked. I knocked again and again. At first I thought that maybe it's abandoned but it's fire place tube has some smoke.

I knocked again and didn't stop until I heard loud footsteps. It's like the person is angry. Well can't blame whoever he is.

The door was opened by an old woman. She is like around 70 years old. She looks grumpy, maybe she is like Porluchka,  they can't stand humans.

She looked at me from head to toe and asked,"What do you need?" I smiled and made an excuse to get in,"Can I have a glass of drink. I'm really thirsty and lost"

She sigh but let me in. Once in I looked around for other suspicious things. Well the only thing suspicious is the fact that she lives alone, old, and in mountains.

She left me at her living room as she fetch me some water. I was still looking around when I heard some muffle screams. I followed the sound and it led me to a door.

I was about to open it when she came back, holding my drink. "What do you think you're doing?", she asked. "Oh it's just that I think I heard something", I said.

"Must be your imagination, boy because I live alone", she said handing me the drink. I kept nodding my head as I took a sip. Once I finished the glass she said," You had your drink, now leave"

"Wait what about directions?", I asked. She sigh again but nodded and said,"Stay here" I nodded and she went to her stairs. I saw get go up and went to a room.

I took my move and tried to open the door where the noise came from. Sadly it's lock, luckily I got a key from Lucy that could open any door as my birthday present.

I used it to open the door and it leads to the basement. I walked down and there she is, the source, the girl, Erza, my love. She is unconscious.

I ran at her side and shook her shoulders. I check her pulse and she is breathing. I hugged her and kiss her forehead.

She is stirring up. Once she opened her eyes, she looked at me confuse. She is about to speak but I covered her mouth. I 'shh' her and she nodded.

I untied her hands and feet. She stood up from the chair and gave me a confuse look. "Explain later", I whispered. We made our way back up to the living room.

The old lady was sitting in the sofa, holding a knife. I put my hands in front of Erza protectively. I step forward and the once old is now young and female is now male.

"His true form", I heard Erza behind me. "Well well well, look who we have here. The Prince saving the knight. Tell me Jellal are you here to save Erza? ", the man said.

I didn't answer instead I glared at him. "Who are you and what do you want?", I shouted. "I simply want her", he answered pointing at Erza.

I stood in front of Erza and he chuckled and said," as my bride" My hair covered my eyes. Erza held my hand and I squeeze it. "My plan was going well until you knocked on my door, you bastard. The sleeping substance is wearing off and was about to take her but you just had to come", he complained.

After he said that I couldn't control myself and I started attacking him. He easily dodged it though.

Erza changed onto her Heaven Wheels Armor to fire swords at him but he suddenly vanished. I used meteor to move at his back and gave him a punch.

My punch hit him and Erza requip to her Nakagami Armor and held a sword at his throat. I chuckled and said,"That's my knight"

Erza blush but kept her tight hold at the bastards neck. I took a hold of his collar and gave him a high kick. "Never ever go near Erza ever again," I said darkly.

He shivered but nodded. "And that is my prince", I heard Erza and it's my turn to blush. I return my attention to the bastard and he looked at me, scared. I put my fist as if I'm going to end him but I just bump his nose.

I heard Erza chuckle as I let go of the guy.

No One's POV

"My Hero", Erza said as she was about to kiss Jellal on the cheeks but Jellal turn his head and their lips met. They are both shock at first but melted.

As they broke apart they gave each other a contented smile and held each others hand.

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