Fifty Fourth - Videoke Night

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No One's POV

"Let's go Mira", exclaimed by Erza Scarlet a strong re quip mage with scarlet hair to a white haired Demon take over mage.

Mira is behind the bar counter while Erza is at the costumer side. Mira turn her head for the call of her friend Erza.

"Are you still down for tonight?", asked Mira. Erza answered, "Yeah I'm down." "But what about the boys?", Mira asked. "Oh please they already agreed. Sadly Lucy, Natsu, Gajeel, Levy, Juvia and Gray can't come because of a job they are requested to", said Erza with a sighed.

Mira can't help but chuckled thinking of what could happen to their friends during the job. She shook the thought away and return her gaze to Erza.

"What time will we leave?", asked Erza. "At 6 pm since it will close at 10 pm", said Mira. Erza nodded her head and said,"Then let's get the boys it's already
4:00. 2 hours ride at the train then we'll reach it at exactly 6 pm"

"Where are the boys?", asked Mira as she handed Kinana, another barmaid some orders. Erza looked around but failed to find the boys.

Erza and Mira looked at each other knowing where their boyfriends are. They both sigh and face palmed. "Come on. Let's get them", said Mira.

"You know what I will literally and personally destroy that 'Casa' of their's", said Erza with a dark aura. Mira, who has a dark aura too, nodded in agreement.

Jellal's POV

"I WIN", I shouted as I shot Laxus's character. We're playing XBox at our Casa. "Again", I asked as I glanced at him. He is about to answer when a very loud knock came at the door.

"Must be the idiots from the job request", said Laxus. I nodded and opened the door but it's not the idiots. I looked at Laxus and he too saw who knocked.

We smiled nervously at Mira and Erza who is having a very dark aura. I backed away and lined up to Laxus, who immediately shut the XBox.

Mira and Erza entered and looked at us as if we should say something. Laxus and I just kept our gaze to the floor. It was silent until Mira spoke up and said,"Well?"

We looked at them confused. "Aren't you supposed to say something? ", Erza continued. "Umm sorry?", Laxus and I said together.

"You forgot didn't you?", Erza asked raising her eyebrows. Laxus and I looked more confused. "My God you're unbelievable", said Mira.

"We're supposed to have our videoke night", said Erza with a sigh. Laxus and I looked at each other and mumbled an "o".

"What time will we leave?", asked Laxus. "NOW", shouted Mira. They literally dragged us out of the Casa and into the train station.

No One's POV

The train was slowing down as it was announced, "Our next stop is Hargeon. I repeat our next stop is Hargeon. Have a good day"

As train finally stopped Mira and Erza once again dragged Laxus and Jellal out of the train towards the Videoke bar.

"Will you girls stop dragging us", said Jellal. "And when dragging us, mind not letting us hit every single thing we pass by", added Laxus.

The girls looked at each other sheepishly and let go of the boy's collar. The boys dust themselves and walked besides the girls.

Mira sighed and said,"Darn it. It's already 7 pm" "not our fault.", said Laxus in defence. "Actually it is. If you were at the guild then we shouldn't have wasted 30 minutes to get to you boys, missed the 4 pm train and ride the 5 pm train."

"Okay fine it's our fault. Sorry", said Jellal's while raising his hand in defence. Once the girls are far from them Jellal whispered to Laxus,"It's really their fault for not wanting to ride with the girls at the 4 pm train" Laxus nodded his head.

We entered the bar and the girls eyes landed on the girls at table 4. These girls are the same girls that they encountered at the train.

"Let's go sit there", Erza said pointing at Table 10 which is far far away from the other girls. They all agreed and took their sits.

After they ordered Erza and Mira went to the washroom. "Hey after this want play more XBOX?", asked Jellal. "Yeah, sure but how?", asked Laxus.

"This will close at 10. We could bring them home first then tell them we left something at the Casa", said Jellal. Laxus nodded his head in agreement.

They were waiting for their food and girls when the same girls from the train approach them. "Hey boys I'm Bettany", said by a blond girl who is Bettany.

"I'm Laura by the way", said Laura who is brown haired. Laura went to Laxus while Bettany went to Jellal.

"actually were with our girls", said Jellal. "We don't see anyone", said Bettany. Laxus was about to answer when someone said, "Turn around then you'll see them"

The girls did turn around and came face to face with Erza and Mira with dark auras. "We don't see much", said Laura. "Is that so?", asked Mira while gritting her teeth.

"Um why don't we just sit down and have a good time", suggested Jellal nervously. "Yeah he is right", added Laxus and pulled Mira beside him. Jellal did the same to Erza. Laura and Bettany left while the boys sighed out of relief.

Their foods came and was about to eat when Bettany and Laura went up to the stage. "We'd like to sing 'Ultimate You' and challenge this ugly girls from Table 10"

Erza and Mira death glares the girls as they sang. The crowd were either covering their ears or leaving due to Bettany and Laura's awful voice.

As they finished the song Erza and Mira stood up and went up the stage. They approach the DO and Mira said,"We will sing Give it up"

They got onto positions and the beat started. The crowd cheers and dance for them. Everyone is enjoying. Laxus and Jellal are both stunned due to their girlfriends sexy and beautiful performance.

They finished the song back to back and all stood up and clap their hands. Bettany and Laura left while Erza and Mira kissed their boys.

Once the crowd settled down they ate until two boys approach their tables but before they could say anything Jellal and Laxus gave the boys a very very scary death glare that if looks could kill the boys are dead 1000x worst.

They just all laugh and Laxus whispered, "I'll have to cancel our XBOX game tonight." "Agree", Jellal whispered back.

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