Thirty - Lost Memories

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No One's POV

"Why do you have to go? Can't you just let them go?", Erza asked the blue haired man. "Erza I can't let them go alone specially when I'm the one responsible", The man said.

"Jellal look I know you are back for being the ten wizard saints and that you are responsible but", Erza stopped and sighed. "It's just that I am having this peril feeling about this case", she continued.

Jellal sighed too and hugged the scarlet head. She hugged back and was almost at the verge of tears. Jellal kissed them away and said," Erza I promise you we will be back in one piece of our own"

"Will you wait for me?", Jellal asked. Erza nodded and the couple packed for the man's journey.

The Next Day

Jellal is hugging Erza, Laxus is hugging Mira, Natsu is hugging Lucy, Gray is hugging Juvia and Gajeel is hugging Levy.

All five girls are bidding goodbye to their boyfriends. Some tears are shed even though the boys would only be gone for a week but knowing where the boys are headed it's a surprise they have convinced their girls to let them do the mission.

The five boys boarded the train while the girls hugged each other hoping for the boys safe return.

Jellal's POV

I sighed as I left Erza again. This is the hundred time I saw her cry because of me and it hurts like hell. "Sorry Erza but I have to", I said to myself.

We five remind silent the entire ride. Gajeel and Natsu was sleeping due to the sleeping pills we gave them. It's funny how Wendy's magic doesn't work on them anymore because their body made a resistance to the remedy.

It's didn't took long before I myself fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of scream. I bolted up and saw that the boys were also startled by the scream.

We run towards the source but it stop. We looked around and split up. Natsu took North, Gajeel took South, Gray took West and Laxus took East and I took aerial since I can use meteor.

As I was flying high I saw the four searching throughout their designated places. I looked at Grays direction when he shouted. Good thing the three dragon slayers heard and head to him. I was about to head there too when I saw a child in the building.

I flew closer but the child went inside more. I entered the large window where I saw the kid and landed. "Kid, where are you?", I shouted. "Are you okay?", I shouted again.

I felt a presence behind me and was about to turn around when I felt a sharp pain at my head. I saw a flash of green before I lost consciousness.

No One's POV

"Hey what happened?", asked Laxus to Gray. Laxus, Natsu and Gajeel are running towards Gray. Gray is pale and is shaking. "Oy what happened?", repeated Natsu.

Gray just pointed at the door. The three looked at it and saw the monster Gray scared of the most, holding the love of his life.

"It's just an illusion", said Gajeel. They snapped Gray and was planning to head to the inn when they noticed Jellal's disappearance.

"Okay let's all search for Jellal", instructed Laxus. The three nodded and started searching.

4 Hours Later

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