Seventh - 2 Years missing

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Erza's POV

Its been 2 years since Jellal went missing. I somehow still blame myself for it. I shoved him away. I brought him to his misery.

I made a mistake that I'll forever regret. Until now I never stopped believing Jellal is still alive. "Erza", Lucy my friend called to me.

I looked at her direction and she is with the gang Mira- My bestfriend, Natsu- Lucy's boyfriend and Gray. I smiled at them and they smiled back.

"Its been two years", said Natsu. We are all friends together with Jellal. We were all eating at Jellals apartment when someone knocked. Gray got up and opened the door. I remembered everything that happened when Simon showed up.


"Come on Erza give me a chance", said Simon. By this time 2 years and 3 weeks to be exact Jellal and I are a couple.

Simon is a friend of mine and he just confessed his love for me. "Cant you understand I have a boyfriend and that I love him?", I asked.

He looked down, shedding tears and said," I know but since he left I became your friend, since that day I fell in love with you and its killing me inside when I found out you love Jellal. It only ended my life when you two got together. Please Erza I want to spend my last days with you"

"What do you mean?", I asked. "I have a lung cancer, 4th stage and according to the doctor I may not live long", he confessed.

He took my hand and said,"And before I leave I want to know to myself that I did my best for you to love me. So please give me two, no one week to make you fall in love." I hesistently nodded my head and he hugged me but I didnt hugged back.

The next day I spend my entire day with Simon. I ignored Jellal and gave Simon all my attentions. On the sixth day Jellal went to my house and we talked.

"Erza, if you dont love me anymore just please say it", Jellal said. I looked at him wide eyes and remembered how I ignored him.

I was on the verge of tears when he spoke again," Please Erza answer me. Do you still love me?" I cant make the right words to say. When Im about to tell him how much I love him, visions of Simon came to view.

I looked down and said,"I-im sorry J-jellal b-but I dont love you a-anymore" "look at me in the eyes and say that again", he ordered.

"Cant you see youre making this hard for everyone, specially to yourself? I dont love you anymore, Jellal. I DONT LOVE YOU AND NEVER WILL", I said with anger and sadness.

He looked down, shed some tears and walk away. As soon as he left I cried all day. I continued my deal with Simon and I kept ignoring Jellal.

I told Lucy and Mira what happened and they have decided to investigate. A week after my deal with Simon, I never saw Jellal again.

According to Natsu, Jellal will have a vacation at their vacation mansion. That is the last thing I heard about him until his sister, Wendy stopped by at our school and said that Jellal is missing at the same day I found out that Simon lied about having a cancer.

We all searched for Jellal but he was nowhere to be found the only thing we found is his car beside a cliff. Inside the said car was bottles of sake.

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