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---------------------------------------------------------OVER 200 READS!! YEAH! *throws hands in air* enjoy this chapter I enjoyed making it.

Laurence's POV

I we approach I see Garroth, Dante, Dale and Nicole fighting. S-shadow nights.
"Guys this a fight we have get ready for shadow nights." I say. Katelyn pulls out her claws. Aphmau takes out her swords. We climb over the wall. Garroth cornered shadow nights surrounding him slowly getting closer.
"Garroth!" I shout. I jump down turn into my shadow night form and slaughter them all.
"Laurence thank you... Im sorry for how--" I interrupt him.
"Now the time to apologize go help the others." He runs off. I see Aaron laying on the ground. Aphmau runs at a shadow that trys to get me. I run over and help him up. I look around at the mob of shadows running at me Dale and Nicole missing. Only Katelyn, Garroth, and Aphmau were fighting. I turn around I get to the bridge and here a voice I've heard before.
"Well... Well... It looks like we have found the one trader." Gene says. It had to be Gene. I put Aaron down and turn around to not only Gene but Zenix. I see Aphmau and Katelyn being held back. Garroth no where to be seen. I turn normal.
"Shadows stop we have a more expensive target on are hands." Zenix points at me.
"No... No Zenix... Let's make this more entertaining.." I knew what he meant. He talk to one of his knights the knight brings Aphmau to Zenix he brings her to the bridge ledge.
"Now Laurence come back with us and your love will stay alive if you don't well... Down she goes..." I look at Aphmau Zenix holding her back.
"Let her go and i'll come... Aphmau and Katelyn.." Katelyn kicking at the knight.
"No... It wouldn't be as-" I pull my sword out on him and try to slash him he blocks it. He looks at me. I stare at him mad.
"That won't work.." he turns to his demon form and pushes me away. I lay there. He kicks me in the back I flinch.
"Laurence!" Aphmau yells. Zenix pushes her off the edge she holds onto the stone of the bridge by a hand.
"Come on Laurence fight me!" he says. I get up he pushes me down and trys to stab with his sword I dodge it. I run at him he blocks and throws me at the bridge ledge. He pushes me on the ledge and holds his sword at my neck. I hear the back of the gate break I look down the gate snapping as Gene pushes me on it.
"Gene...?" I hear Dante say. I look over Dante injured badly....
"Why are you doing this... Mom or Dad wouldn't want this.." Dante says. Holding himself up. He was struggling to walk.
"Dante... You don't understand.." Gene says but Dante interrupts. "Let Aphmau, Katelyn, and Laurence go.." he shakes his head and pushes the sword harder on my neck. Making me dizzy.

Dante gets closer to Gene. Then Zenix runs and pushes him off the ledge.
"Dante!" Aphmau screams she drops in after him. My eyes become red. I push Gene away. I run at Zenix and stab him he falls. Gene trys to stab me I dodge it and attack him. Garroth comes out of now where and attacks Zenix as he runs at me. I have my sword at Genes neck.
"Leave or your dead..." I say in his face.
"No.." That was it. I stab him. He falls. Garroth in his Jury of Nine Form so is Katelyn.. The shadow nights attack Katelyn and Garroth I run and jump off the ledge after Dante, and Aphmau.

I fell and fell. It seemed to never end I turn normal. I see the ground. I hit it with a thump blowing the air out of me. I lay there catching my breathe.
"Laurence how do we kill these!?" someone shouts I look up.
"I don't know just try and kill them!" I shout. I look around and see nothing but rocks. I see a trail of blood. I follow it. It leaded to Dante and Aphmau. I run to Dante. He was injured badly. He lay there passed out. Aphmau layed there flat on her stomach. I crawl over to her. Malachi next to her.
"Malachi why are you here?" he looks at me.
"I felt mommy was injured I came to see what happened i found her and Dante like this they both aren't breathing." I shake her she didn't wake up. I sit her up. I hear a crack she jerks then clams down. I look at Malachi he looked scared.
"Garroth! Katelyn! How are you doing!?" I shout.
"There gone!" someone shouts.
"Get a ladder or something there both injured badly!!" I shout.
"Ok!" Katelyn yells. I lay there holding Aphmau and Dante.
"You will be ok I promise..."

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