Gone: The Event Final

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Katelyn's POV

I wake up things blurry. I look over at Garroth he sat up crying. I grin and sit and flinch and fall back down. He turns to me and holds me down.
"D-don't move..." he stutters I grin.
"Why are you crying?" I ask. He crys more.
"Laurence and Aphmau... There gone..." he says. My eyes widen I start to cry. I sat there surprised I started to shake. Zoey was crying. Laurence and Aphmau layed there... Lifeless... Garroth hugs me. I flinch and cry.
-+2 hours later+-
I stood there by Garroth people cry. Levin and Malachi cry more. Losing there mom....
"I... They were amazing.... I hope they live a better life next..." Zoey says. I looked at Kiki and Aaron they both fought back tears. I look at Garroth he cried tears roll down his face but didn't show it.
"A-anyone want to say something..." Zoey asks.
"Mommy come back..." Levin and Malachi say. I look down at them crying. I hug them they begin to cry.
"I... Im sorry... Levin and Malachi.... I..." I stop. People stared at me. I cry.
"I.... Im sorry..." I say. I run off toward the gates.
I sat there In the dark nothing but the chirp of crickets. I cry more thinking about Aphmau and Laurence. I get up from the chair and walk to there coffins. I stood in front of them. I began to cry I get on one knee and pray.
"Irene if you can here me.... Bring these two souls back... My friends back... The people I love back... T-they don't deserve to die like this... Aphmau had a family... Laurence had someone he loved... Just give them back." I start to cry. I drop my hands and cry. I feel a hand on my shoulder I ignore it and keep crying.
"Katelyn..." Garroth said. I cry and hug him. He hugs me. I look at there coffins. I touch them both briefly and cry more. I turn around me and Garroth walk home.
I stop.... Not from me wanting to turn around... No... From the sudden bright light coming from there coffins. Garroth and I stare as the light gets brighter at brighter I cover my eyes. The light seems to scream then it explodes and knocks me and Garroth and the coffins fall.
-+Black sets in+-

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