Bright Port

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Laurence's POV

I sat on bed looking out the window. I watch the water go by as we sail to Bright Port. I hear the creak of the ladder I look over Aphmau climbs down it.
"Hey." I say. She walks over to me and sits at the bed in front of me. She looks out the window.
"You ready for this? To help them?" I ask her. She looks out the window.
"Honesty. I don't know if I can help them. All I could do is give them food when I want to help them more.. But I don't know how.. Zane he has to have something to do with this.. He's hurt to many people and..." I stop her by kissing her. I stop.
"No reason for you to think that.. You are a great person who can help people the best you can. We will see soon if Zane was a part of this we still have 3 days of traveling." I say. She nods.
"Where here!" someone yells. We get up and climb up the ladder. Lord Burt met us at the docks.
"Why hello fellow travelers--" he stops once me and lord Aphmau walk off. "Lord Aphmau why are you here?" he asks.
"We need to get to Pikaro do you have any horses we can barrow?" she asks.
"Sure!" he says. I walk next to Dante as they talk.
"What do you think?" I ask him. He looks at me confused.
"For what?" he asks. I shake my head.
"Never mind. Lets grab the bags and dock the boat we have a long trip. Garroth! Aaron! Help us please." they nod and walk downstairs.
"I will go get the horses guys!" Aphmau calls.
"Ok!" I call back. We get to work.

Aphmau's POV

"Now my Lord Aphmau let me ask you. Why are you going to Pikaro?" Burt asks me as we reach the barn. I think about it but I didn't want to say the truth.
"Business they asked for help with Zane..." I say. He nods.
"Here as your horse pick out as many as you need just bring them back when your done." he says. I nod.
"Thank you Burt." I say. He nods and walks off. I walk in i pick out seven horses. I walk them over to the steps.
"Guys here got the horses!" I shout. They look up grab the bags then come up here.
"Pick one." I say. They all grab a horse leaving me with a gray one.
"You guys ready?" Laurence asks. We all nod.
"Lets go then. We have a long trip ahead." Date says.
"Me and Laurence can lead." I say. I start riding everyone follows.

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