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Aphmau's POV

I sat in my room. I had two bags full of food. It was time I go down to the docks. I hop on the boat and put my bags down stairs of the boat. I put them next to my bed and climb up the ladder. I see Laurence and Katelyn walking down the steps with some food bags.
"Those go down stairs!" I call. They nod and climb down. Dante and Aaron come and put the bags downstairs. Levin and Malachi came running down the stairs.
"Mom! Mom!" they yelled. I ran up to them and hug them.
"Im going on a trip boys i'll be back soon.." I hug them tight. They let go and run back to the house Zoey walks down along with Lucinda.
"Zoey can you watch them?" I ask. She nods.
"I got this. You just worry about getting there. Nothing else." She says. I hug her. She hugs me.
"We will be going Zoey thanks for everything." I say. She nods. I hop on the boat.
"Bye Zoey! Bye Levin! Bye Malaci!" I call. They wave. As Laurence was about to cut the rope I hear screams.
"Wait!" someone yells. I look up and see Garroth running down the steps.
"Wait Im coming with!" he calls.
"Garroth?" he runs up to me and hugs me.
"Ok you can let go now." I say. He lets go and walks up to Laurence. He says something and they hug.
"Come guys we have a long trip a head." I say. We set off Dante steering the ship.

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