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Laurence's POV

"Zane... Im going to kill him... He hurt my family... He hurt the people I love... He's dead..." Aphmau said. I sat in the guard tower with Garroth, Katelyn, Aphmau and Aaron. I nod.
"Does anyone even know WHERE Zane is?" I ask. Garroth and Katelyn look at Aaron. I grin at them and look at Aaron. He sighs.
"After Aphmau and Laurence were knocked out. I ran in the woods after Zane. I got there Zane ambushed me. He shot in arrow that luckily missed. I pinned him down he had an arrow and my head. I knock it away from him then he was knocked out. Next thing I know Im out of the woods knocked out. I woke up next to a med-pack as Garroth brought Katelyn out of the woods. I helped Katelyn then Garroth passed out. I brought them back here Zoey said... Laurence and Aphmau were dead... But I have know idea were Zane is..." Aaron says. I look at Garroth and Katelyn they grin. I look at Aphmau she grins at me.
"Can you guys excuse me and Aphmau?" I ask. They nod I take her hand and take her down the tower to the Irene statue.
I told her to sit she sat.
"Are you still mad at me?" I ask. She sighs and looks down.
"No... It was just a... Spark I had with anger. But I forgive you..." she says. I nod.
"You know what?" I ask. She looks up at me and stares at me.
"Let's tonight have a party at the plaza tonight?" I ask she nods.
"I'll go tell Zoey and Brendan." she says she gets up and walks off. I stand there smiling and chuckling. I can't wait... I mutter. I laugh more. I felt a fire spark in my heart. I shake my head. Don't turn.... Don't turn...I though as the fire in my heart stopped. I turn and walk back to the tower.

Garroth's POV

"How are we sure this isn't a dream Garroth?" Katelyn asked me. I pinched her she pinched me.
"But were they really dead or was that a dream?" she asks. I look at the tree house broken.
"Can't be... Then the tree house wouldn't be ruined..." I say. She nods.
"Look... There's Aphmau she's walking home..." She says. I walk over to the window and look out the window. Aphmau was walking home. She walks in the house. Laurence climbs up the ladder.
"Where's Aphmau going?" I ask. He smiles and waves me and Aaron over to him. I walk over.
"Huh?" Aaron asks. Laurence starts smiling.
"We are going to have a party at the plaza tomorrow.. Invite your love." i say they nod. I walk back to Katelyn.
"What as that?" she asks. I smile.
"I'll tell you tomorrow. Go home and get some sleep. I'll be over there at 6pm tomorrow." she nods and leaves. I collapse on my bed smileing and laughing. Dante climbs up the ladder with a sad look on his face. He collapses on the bed next to me.
"What's wrong bud?" Laurence asks. He sighs I saw tears In his eyes.
"Me and Kawaii~chan had a fight... I said some bad things to her and she doesn't want to talk to me... I never meant to say what I said.." Dante says. I stare Laurence walks over to me and whispers in my ear.
"What did he say?" Laurence whispers. I turn and give him a stern look.
"Don't you dare ask..." I say. He puts hands up and nods.
"Well... I have a way to make that better...." I say.

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