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Aphmau's POV

It seemed as if Vylad left us. Even though he really is with his father. A lady was showing us to are rooms. Katelyn and Aaron were parried together. Me and Laurence were parried. She lead us to are room I held my bag close. She opens the door. I walk in. The room had a huge open window and a chandler. I stare the lady shuts the door. Laurence puts his stuff down.
"Some place this is.." he says. I nod and put my stuff down. "So... What bed do you want?" he points at the two beds. We both end up pointing to the same one. I grin. He smiles. "Looks like we both want it." he says. I laugh.
"I guess." I say. "Do you know where the bathroom is?" I ask. He shrugs and looks around then points at the door that lead into the bathroom. "Well... Should have looked..." I say grabbing my bag. He laughs. I go to the bathroom and change. When I was done I stood in the mirror starring at myself. I was thinking. How could Garroth be related to someone like that? It doesn't make since. I made sure no one could respond even Laurence. I go to the door. I put my hand on the nob and stop. I take a breathe and open the door. Laurence sat on the bed looking out the window.
"Took you long enough." he says laughing. I grin and hop on the bed. He turns and lays down facing me. I stare at him he stares at me. "You ok? You've been really silent since we arrived." he says. I think back to the guards at the gate.
"You really would risk yourself to make me happy? Like what you did to that guard." I ask him. He smiles.
"He was being dumb. Your my lord im your guard you don't get called a peasant." he says. I nod and blush.
"You really didn't have to do that." I say softly. He shakes his head.
"I did.." I shake my head.
"Im not even lord anym-" he interrupts me by kissing me. I stay still then kiss him back. He pulls me closer to him. I could feel his heart beat as we get lost in are kisses. He pulls back and looks into my eyes I look at him. His arm wrapped around my waist.
"Your a lord to me. You care about people. I don't care if you are lord or not your my lord." he says. I smile and go back to kissing him again.

Katelyn's POV

I sat on my bed stating off out the window. Aaron sat in his bed.
"Katelyn?" he asks. I look at him keeping a straight face. "You ok?" he asks. I shrug and look back out the window.
"Just thinking about Garroth..." I say. He stares at me. I could see from the side of my eye.
"Like I said you need to move on. You can't love him forever if he moved on." he says. I stare at grin.
"But..." I stop. He walks over and sits next to me.
"Look we both have lost someone close. I lost my son and wife but.. I've learned to move on." he says. I nod stareing out the window. I remember when I took the ring and threw it watching it break then crying. I start to cry.
"Im terrible... I shouldn't have broken that ring. I was in pure pain." I say crying. He kneels in front of me and wipes my tears. I cry more he keeps wiping them.
"You deserve someone to love." he says. I nod and try to stop crying but tears roll down my face. He kisses me. I let him I stare confused. I didn't know what to do. Then he pulls away and goes to his bed. I stare at the ground.
"Goodnight Katelyn.." he says. I nod and lay down. I didn't know how to think. All I could do was....


Aphmau's POV

+-1 Week later-+

''I want to go home. I want my own home." I say to Laurence. We stood in are room the sky dark. O'khasis wouldn't let us leave. "I miss my sons." I say worried. He grins and looks around.
"We can ask Katelyn and Aaron is they know how WE can leave. I think Vylad wants to stay." he says. I nod and walk to the door. I open it the halls where dark. I walk over to Katelyn and Aaron's room. I knock. Someone comes and opens it was Aaron. Me and Laurence walk in. I sit on Katelyn's bed with her.
"Guys. We need to leave. We can't stay here and if they won't let us leave, we must find a way out." Laurence says. Katelyn and Aaron nod.
"How will we find a way out exactly?'' Katelyn asks. Laurence grins. I think.
"Wait! There's a sewer system. It ends down at the back alleys by the baker. We need to get down there without being spotted." I say. They nod in agreement.
"Ok. Get your stuff we meet at the front door in 15 minutes. Leave a note saying we left but not where." someone says. I look at the door Vylad stood there. "I heard your plan. Im gonna come with you I can't stay here." Vylad says. I nod then get up and head to the door. I head back to my room along with Laurence.
I had my bag ready in less than 10 minutes. But I was already down at the door with Laurence.
"How will we plan this?" I ask looking at him. He grins and shrugs.
"Stick to the back alleys we can't be seen if we are were most likely dead." Vylad says walking up to us. I nod and stand up.
"Lets go." Katelyn says. They head out the door. Me and Laurence stay in for a second. I face him.
"If I lose you to a guard or something. Just no you've been an amazing guard and guy to be with. We can find are own home once this is over." I say. He nods and kisses me. I kiss him then head out the door. We start sticking to the back alleys. I walked in front even though they didn't want me to. We walked to the sewer entrance. Laurence went in first along with Aaron. I stayed back and waited for guards until everyone was in. Everyone got im and waited. I step back and climb in. We go down the dark tunnel.

+-1 hour later-+

We finally made it out. I stare at the trees. It was really cramped and dark there.
"Lets get to are boat and head home." Vylad says. I nod and start running back to Nahraka the others following.

A Lost Love (a Larmau fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now