Just A Dream

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Aphmau's POV

I wake up sitting up quickly. Pain shots threw my collarbone I squeal. Then it stops. I couldn't take anymore pain so I heal it myself. A glow comes from my hand then stops. I move my arm around no pain. No pain in my neck or my collarbone. Then I realise things were red. I was in a cell. Then stuff dies down into color Laurence lay there his arm wrapped around my waist. I breathe quickly becoming dizzy then my breaths slow to normal. I stare at the door I blush as I remember last night. Honesty it was something I guess... My thoughts were interrupted as Laurence sits up next to me.
"Morning..." he says. I look at him and smile.
"Morning..." I say. He starts to blush.
"Last night. I never meant to do that I honestly just got to cocky and just..." I put my finger to his lips.
"Calm down... We never speak of this to anyone. Not even someone you trust it stays between us." I say laughing. He nods. We stare at each other for a while. I try and get lost in his eyes. Blocking out the world blocking out every miserable moment I lived threw. Every painful thing they did every time the dreams seem so real. Every signal damn time someone hurt me someone hurt who I love. I needed to leave. So I kiss him to leave to get a sense of happiness. A way for me to escape the world. To escape every dream I had that hurt me. He kisses me back. Then he pulls away leaving me. (honestly I don't know what I just wrote)
"What must you do today?" he asks. I stop thinking.
"I don't know.. Maybe just find out of Vylad and Sasha are staying or what." I say. He nods. I get out of bed and walk to the door. He puts his shirt on and follows.
We walk to the guard tower. Laurence goes first up the ladder I follow. Sasha sat on her bed. I glare at her she does the same. Laurence walks over to Vylad.
"Hey, are you staying here or leaving?" Laurence asks. I look at Vylad he shrugs.
"If Garroth's here. Im staying." he says. Laurence nods. I look over at Sasha.
"You leaving here or staying?" I ask. She shakes her head.
"Im gonna leave. Laurence doesn't seem to love me back so... I have no reason to stay anymore." I turn to Laurence his wide open. I glare at him. I look back at Sasha she gets up and walks to Laurence. Then she kisses him he kisses her back.
"Sasha!" Vylad shouts. I run over and push her away she falls back.
"Get out." I say. She pouts.
"Fine." she says. She gets up and walks away. I look at Laurence. My heart breaks.
"Aphmau..." he says his voice soft. I shake my head.
"Last night must of been a lie..." I say quietly. I follow Sasha down the ladder and follow her to the gate. We get to the gate. Aaron sat up there.
"Hey open the gate! Don't let Sasha come back!" I shout up. He walks over looks down and nods. He opens the gate I point out she walks out. She turns around and looks at me then walks away.
"Why did she need to leave?" Aaron asks closing the gate I stare and watch her walk away. He climbs down.
"I have my reasons, don't ask please." I say. Then everything from my body drains. My power felt like it was ripped out of me. I became drained and dizzy. Then it stops everything came back.
"Aphmau?" Aaron asks concerned. I turn to him. "You ok?" he asks. I nod and walk away. I went to go find Katelyn.

Laurence's POV

I stood there as Aphmau climbed down the ladder. What did I do? I ask.
"What does she mean by 'last night?" Vylad asks.
"Just forget that please." I ask turning to face him. He smiles.
"You have a way with ladies." Vylad says. I laugh.
"Maybe I do." I say. Garroth climbs up the ladder out of breathe.
"Garroth?" Vylad asks. He stands up.
"Its Katelyn's birthday tomorrow. I don't know what to do!" he says. I laugh so does Vylad.
"Well what were you planning to get her?" I ask. Garroth stares at me.
"I didn't plan anything. I was planning on having a dance at the plaza but I don't know." Garroth says. His breathes for normal. He must of ran here or something. I shrug.
"You could do that. Or we could have a little party in Kiki's barn if that's ok with her." I say. Garroth nods. I look back at Vylad he shrugs.
"I'll go ask her." Garroth says.
"I'll come with." I say.
"Me too." Vylad says.
"Wait. Did Aaron ever end up with Kiki?" I ask. Garroth shakes his head.
"He said it didn't really work." Garroth says. I nod and turn to Vylad he smiles.
"I would like to meet Kiki." Vylad says smiling. Garroth climbs down the ladder I follow so does Vylad.
We arrive at the barn.
"Kiki!" Garroth calls. She looks down from the ledge. She smiles and climbs down the ladder and walks up to us.
"Yes Garroth?" She says peppy.
"Is it fine if we have Katelyn's birthday party here?" I ask. She nods and starts jumping happy.
"Yes! Garroth we can plan! This will be so fun!" she says jumping happy taking Garroth's hand. She pulls him away to the ladder. Garroth laughs happy.
"See yeah guys!" Garroth calls back. I look at Vylad smiling.
"I like her." he says laughing.
"Don't get your hopes to high." I say laughing. He laughs too.
"Lets go get Katelyn a present." I say. He nods we walk toward the plaza.

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