Chapter 1: A History Lesson (Edited)

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Many greetings, my fellow gladiators and welcome to my world which is filled with all sorts of magic and monsters. Admittedly, I live in a strange place and weird enough, but I wouldn't want it any different. I'm about to tell you about the time my friends and I attempted to save the world. But first a history lesson is in order to understand what life has been like in my dimension.

This story is in a place filled with magic and strange occurances, in the year you might know as 2253, but to this dimension it is the year 238 A.F. or in other words 238 afterthe Great Flood.

The causes of the Great Flood were global warming mixed with deforestation of the Amazon rainforest and increasing solar flares. The odds were pretty much stacked against us, but with looking only looking to the future we didn't take care of the present.

Glaciers and other ice-based features started to melt in these conditions. At first they melted at a slow rate and then disaster struck.

Year 2015

News reporter's point of view

"Major flooding in all parts of England and Greenland. There has been no word from Iceland. We fear that flooding has gotten so bad that all communication has been cut off." I shouted over the wind shrieking. I kept looking into the camera as the rain pelted me. I was thoroughly soaked despite not only wearing a plastic rain poncho, but also a thick rain jacket underneath, and rubber rain boots.

"Storms like this haven't been seen before in this part of Australia. Meteorologists are trying to determine the cause, but the electrical interferences from the storm..."

I stopped talking as I heard many people screaming coming from behind me. I turned around and through all the rain, I could make out a mob of shrieking people running away from the surf. I nearly fainted from sheer terror when I saw what was causing their panic.

Over the horizon, I could make out a huge ice blue wave easily 10 miles high. A wave it would take nothing short of a miracle to survive.

"Run," I screamed at the few people left staring dumbstruck at the huge, and quickly-approaching wave. Some woke up from their fear induced trance and ran.

I scooped up a small boy standing on the beach and sprinted. The wave was closing in fast and we were getting nowhere.

Within a few minutes of running the beach was gone, and the little boy and I were running towards a building when we where suddenly engulfed by the wave of biblical proportions.


All around the world tsunamis overtook entire nations, until every shred of evidence that a civilization once existed, was gone. After the flood, most dry land was submerged, and no one was left on earth.

The water eventually receded in some parts, revealing features that had not once been there before. Mountains, rivers, valleys, steepes had formed as a result of the tsunami. Yet there was no humans or land animals left on earth to enjoy it.

However, there were still space stations filled to the brim with civilians and astronauts, still in the recently developed moon colonies. The Moon colonies had been the most visited vacation spot and had been our unintentional way of preserving the human race.

They had witnessed the rebirth of the planet Earth and after a mourning period, they decided to search the new planet for anyone or anything left. They had enough fuel and food for a one-way trip to Earth.

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