Chapter 10: School is Torture

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Hama's point of view

  School. That one word makes me shudder involuntarily. I was pretty smart when I went to school, but then again children are only required to go to school from ages five to fifteen.

  School gets in the way of deadly, fun adventures and dangerously exciting questing. I certainly can't worry about if did my homework or not while fighting to the death.

  Now I was being forced, by an overbearing friend, to go to school again. Victoria thought that if we were stuck here for a month that we should learn something. Joykill.

  I still firmly believe that we should still be preparing for the second great war that was sure to happen with Bale coming back to life.

  I looked over my schedule again. I had nearly same schedule as Natalie:

1st period: Geometry
2nd period: Spanish 1
3rd period: Free period
Lunch A
4th period: English 1
5th period: Biology 1
6th period: World Geography
7th period: Theatre Arts 1
8th period: Boys Athletics

  I folded up my schedule and slipped it into one of my satchel pockets, then I pulled out the map of the school that I got from a teacher when we had gotten off the bus.

  When I unfolded the map, I realized the entire map was written in some foreign language and I had no idea where my class was supposed to be.

  "Guys, I think I got a map in some foreign language." I said confused.

  "I know what language it's in," Victoria said laughing. Then she snatched the map out of my hands and turned it upside down. "Its called upside down."

  The others burst out laughing with me, which ended up them earning quite a few curious stares from the other high school students.

  I went with Natalie to our Geometry class with the teacher Mr. Warren . The entire class was boring and unfortunately not interrupted by some monster or some multidimensional threat.

  The other classes passed as a very long, boring and educational blur. Finally lunch came about and with lunch some long wanted excitement. Unfortunately not the type of excitement I had wanted.

Victoria's point of view

  I walked with Paula to lunch after our English class. We simply talked about our summers and whether or not they were interesting.

  "So I just stayed at home most of the time and hung out with Mikalya. What'd you do during the summer? Did you hang out with your renaissance fair friends?" She asked inquisitively.

  "Mostly summer band camp and I only hang out with them every once in a while." I said as we reached the cafeteria.

  We parted ways and I walked over to the table where Daniell, Hama, and the others were sitting.

  Then I realized that I also had to sit with my other friends whom I usually sat with, Mackenzie, Jessica, Heather, and Ava.

  I looked over at Mackenzie and I signalled for her to come sit with me at the table next to Hama and the others.

  She set down her backpack and sat down next to me. The others followed Mackenzie to the table and sat down. They started asking each other about their schedules and classes.

  "Do you know who those kids are over at the table next to us, Victoria?" Mackenzie asked. I looked over at the table she was talking about and it turned out to be the table my friends from my home dimension sat.

  "Yeah I do. Those are my friends from..." I started, but I couldn't think of a plausible excuse about why they're here. Mackenzie and the others were some of the smartest people I knew.

  "From Dallas." Daniell said sitting down in his seat at the other table. Without Daniell's natural talent for lying, I'd be cooked.

  "What are y'all doing here anyway? I mean not to sound rude or anything, but there's about ten of you guys and we usually only get about one new kid a month." Ava said logically.

  "Our parents work together and they all have to go on some business trip for a month. Victoria's parents are gonna be taking care of us for a month, since they were practically best friends in Dallas." Daniell continued.

  "Why didn't you ever tell us about your other friends?" Asked Heather.

  "Its not like we do anything interesting when we have a get-together." I lied.

  My friends tried to stifle their laughter, but ended up getting weirded out looks from my regular school friends.

  Then that rare moment of calm was destroyed as a tremendous roar cut through the sounds of teenagers simply chatting. All of hell broke loose with that one roar.

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