Chapter 19: Alternate Universe (Victoria and Daniell)

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Victoria's Point of View

Imagine looking at yourself in a full-length mirror, but not seeing you. All you see is someone completely different. That is what is called a mirror-self and right now I'm looking at my mirror-dimension.

I held my breath as I looked at my inversed home dimension and no matter how many times I saw it I'd never get past the feeling of overwhelming sadness. I tore my eyes away from what was this dimension's version of my castle. By the time I had stopped looking at the castle, I was filled with anger and bitterness.

Daniell and I had landed here a couple minutes ago and I was already sick of this place. We had landed on the outskirts of Motonishi and I decided to scout out the area a bit to determine where we were currently located. To my surprise I realised that we were in Mirror-New Earth.

I had been here before once for a few minutes, but I still saw more then I would ever want to see. I had met my mirror-self and meeting the opposite of you is a changing experience, an experience I would never forget.

Mirror-Victoria was mean for no reason, power hungry and wanted to destroy the world just for the fun of it. The only reason why I haven't had to worry about her destroying this dimension and other dimensions is the fact that she doesn't have any magic.

She is truly the opposite of me where it counts; No powers, no crown and no friends. All she has is her brutality and resourcefulness. I could never be as brutal, resourceful or scheming as her.

I released the breath I had been holding and walked back towards where Daniell was currently standing, eyes closed. I sat down on a rock and waited for Daniell to determine which direction we should go in, but I already had an idea where the thinnest part of reality might be. After a minute of quiet, I was bored of sitting quietly, so I decided to talk.

"This place is the worst." I simply stated and Daniell scoffed at my statement. Daniell had never been here so he didn't exactly understand how evil and twisted this place is.

"There are worse dimensions then this dimension." Daniell said trying to optimistic, but in my opinion failing miserably. He still had his eyes closed and somehow he was concentrating even though he was talking.

"You have a point. We could have landed in a dimension filled bunnies or happiness, but that was to hard to ask." I said bitterly. I would rather be somewhere else then here and I wasn't making it hard to see the fact I hated it here.

"Or we could've landed right when the Second Great Flood took place. That would not have been a fun dimension to land in." He said logically. Even if Daniell had been here before, his mirror-self wouldn't be as bad as mine due to my extreme personality traits and flaws.

"Fine, but let's get out of here." I said getting up and walking about. Daniell still had his eyes closed and I could tell that he was trying to decide which way was the thinnest of this reality.

Most elementals are in tune with the balance of their universe, but for some reason I'm not. I can't tell where tears in the universe were or if someone had cast an immensely powerful spell. Every elemental and a few others could sense what I couldn't. Ron was one of them.

I thought about my friends that were trapped in other dimensions and I felt only worry and concern. I only hoped that they would be okay and they wouldn't be seriously hurt. I sat back down again and waited.

After a few more minutes of sitting idly, Daniell tensed up and opened his eyes. Daniell only got tense when he had bad news to deliver and knowing this I mentally groaned. I could tell whatever direction we were going in was not a direction I would like.

"That way." He said pointing in the direction of the castle. The exact direction I absolutely did not want to go.

"Let's get this over with." I said through gritted teeth. We marched through the small forest that surrounded Motonishi and I was praying silently that we don't meet anyone. It would seem my prayers were unheard.

"You shouldn't be here." Stated a voice that filled with so much mischief that it could only belong to Hama, but this voice was Victor's.

I looked towards where mirror-Victor was sitting in a tree sharpening his daggers. He had a look of mischief that looked strange on his freckled face which usually held an expression of curious wonder. It was disturbing in my opinion.

"If I had a choice, I would be home." I replied to mirror-Victor. "Now we need to find our way home."

If a person was good in my dimension, that person was evil in this dimension. I was definitely going to steer clear of all the mirror-selves of my friends and family. I grabbed Daniell's wrist and dragged him away from the tree that held mirror-Victor.

When I looked back mirror-Victor jumped down from the tree and landed perfectly. I was glad that Daniell was just going along with my dragging him away. Mirror-Victor ran and fell in step with us.

"Come on, Vicky. Don't be such a downer." Mirror-Victor said chuckling in a dark manner. "I could help." He offered. That was the moment I couldn't handle anymore and I snapped.

I let go of Daniell's wrist and lunged at mirror-Victor. He was very shocked before I grabbed hold of the collar of his shirt. I felt red-hot fury travel through me.

"I can barely handle my dimension's Hama, so what makes you think I won't hesitate to hurt you." I said in a deadly-quiet whisper. "Annoy us one more time and you'll find yourself unable to talk again. Understand?" Mirror-Victor gulped and nodded in understanding.

"Victoria." Said Daniell from behind me. I turned around and saw that Daniell had a look that simply said that I needed to let mirror-Victor down. I simply sighed, released him and watched mirror-Victor run away in defeat.

"Sorry for making a scene." I murmured half-heartedly. I felt a bit ashamed for attacking a person that hadn't attacked me, but I wasn't going to let these mirror-people drag me down and keep me from getting home.

"If you were really sorry, you wouldn't have done it." He said mimicking one of my sayings. I gave him a glare and he had the gall to smile. I rolled my eyes like usually do when I get annoyed.

"Come on, let's get home now." I said for what felt like the millionth time.

We trudged through the forest and eventually we got to this dimension's version of my magic-practice circle. If I'm not practicing at the arena with the others, then I'm outside my castle using my magic in the magic circle my dad had built. I blow up the armoury one time and I'm thrown out of my castle whenever I want to practice magic.

I walked to the center of the circle and I was about to start the spell, the world exploded into chaos. People were firing cannons and realising arrows. I ducked as an arrow flew through the air where my head had just been.

Victoria Arrow, age 16, died when she was ironically impaled by an arrow. That would be an ending I do not want to meet.

"What's going on?" Daniell yelled at me covering his ears. The cannon fire was deafening and I could hardly hear my own thoughts.

"I have no idea." I yelled back. We retreated into the trees while avoiding getting blasted to smithereens. I analyzed the battle field and saw some people I recognized. I realized that this dimension was also going through a Great War, but it was the reverse of what my friends and I would eventually face.

We were crouched behind some trees watching the battle. I could clearly see my mirror-family fighting against mirror-Bale. This was, in my opinion, freaky.

"Hopefully the war in our dimension hasn't started without us." Daniell commented. "I can run over there while you cover me. I'll open the portal and we can jump in the moment it opens." There was a reason Daniell was our designated plan formulater.

I nodded and Daniell sprinted towards the magic circle. The battle was mainly around the front gates of the castle, but the occasional cannonball and stray arrow flew in our direction. I chanted deflecting spells faster then I would have thought possible and eventually Daniell made it to the circle.

After a few seconds, a portal opened and he jumped in. I sprinted after him while deflecting anything that entered my peripheral vision. I jumped into the portal as a cannonball flew over my head.

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