Chapter 12: The Plan

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Victoria's Point of View

I grabbed my second katana and charged at the Dragon, as Daniell had directed. I started slashing at the back of the Dragon's clawed feet.

When fighting Dragons, there are a number of things to remember. The most important was to slash and stab the parts that are unprotected by the Dragon's scales.

What I believe to be the next important thing to remember, or at least not forget entirely, was not to get torched, smashed, or eaten when attacking the Dragon.

I ran over to the wall of the school and I grabbed onto the vines that climbed up the side of the school and started scaling the side of the building. Once I was high enough, I let go of the vine and jumped.

I landed on the Dragon's back and the moment I was balanced enough to where I didn't fall, the Dragon tried shaking me off its back. This was not gonna end well for the Dragon if it kept trying to shake me off.

I raised my katana high and then stabbed it into the back of the Dragon. Stabbing a Dragon with a meager blade doesn't kill it. I was just distracting it.

I looked over at Daniell and gave the signal for him to execute the rest of his crazy plan that was very likely to get us killed, if he screws up. As the Dragon tried in vain to shake me off, Daniell started the spell.

When it comes to magic, the rarer the magic the more powerful it is. My magic is rare, but I have meet another person who shares my same power.

Daniell on the other hand is the last of the wind elementals. If it came down to who was more powerful, he could possibly beat me.

An aura of an icy blue started to surround him and that was my cue to get the hell of that Dragon. I pulled out my katana and jumped onto the roof of the cafeteria.

I closed my eyes and said a spell of protection around the school, my friends and myself. Hopefully my spell would hold and no one I cared for would get hurt.

I turned to see if this was gonna end us all or if this was just gonna end badly for the army. A harsh blinding blue light engulfed everyone and everything insight.

When my vision returned, I saw the Dragon was nothing more then a large and terrifying ice sculpture. The army was no longer a dangerous threat, but rather statues of people stuck in an eternal battle.

I looked over where Daniell was last standing and I automatically panicked when I saw Daniell lying on the ground. Using that much power had drained Daniell and hopefully only knocked him unconscious.

I climbed down the walls using the ivy that still clung to the school. I ran over to Daniell and checked his pulse. It was faint, but he was still breathing. I breathed a sigh of relief.

I looked around for someone and only saw Hama. He noticed Daniell and I and ran over to where we were.

"We need to get out of here before the police come." I said, "Can you grab Daniell?" He simply nodded.

"What was that?" He asked as he picked up Daniell and threw him over his shoulder. Daniell groaned quietly, but that was all the response we'd expect to get from him for a while.

"That was how Daniell and I had decided to defeat the Dragon and the army. Sorry we didn't tell y'all, it was kinda a split-second plan." I said sheepishly.

"What are we gonna do about the sculptures?" Hama asked. "They'll make great additions to the school." He added sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and used a simple melting spell combined with a slightly complex multiplying spell. The sculptures turned to water within a matter of second and evaporated just as quickly.

"Where are the others?" I asked turning to Hama. His face was stoic and that was when I knew automatically something was wrong.

"What happened? Who got hurt?" I asked panicked that one of my friends was hurt.

"Heath got hurt and its pretty serious. He was fighting against the elementals with Natalie and he took a knife for her. Victor took the others to the house using his transporting potion." Hama explained solemnly.

"I stayed behind to look for you two and to give you the potions Victor gave me. They'll take you home." Hama finished. He fished out two bottles and handed one to me.

"Okay, let's get home." I responded, uncapping the potion. He uncapped his and drank the potion, then disappeared into a shower of gold.

I drank mine, but the taste wasn't sweet anymore. It tasted bitter and gross, but it worked all the same.

I appeared in the kitchen, where the others were desperately trying to stabilize Heath, who was ashen and barely clinging to life. I knew I wouldn't be able to help him.

I was good with wounds inflicted by magic, but it was dangerous for me to try to fix a wound inflicted by a weapon of a malevolent elemental. It could react violently to my magic and kill him automatically.

I walked unnoticed among all the chaos to where Hama was currently rooting through Victor's medicine bag, looking for healing herbs.

"Where's Daniell?" I asked. I wanted to make sure he was okay and if he was awake to tell him what happened. I knew if I could help anyone, then it would get my mind off what I couldn't fix.

"He's in your room. It was the only one that wasn't messy." He said as he grabbed a small container from the bag and walked over to Victor.

I walked to my room and opened the door. Daniell was still asleep, but most of the color had returned back to his face. I wanted to cry, but I didn't. I hated for people to see me cry.

I grabbed a chair and set it right next to the bed. I started to pray for everything to not always be so damn complicated, but sadly I knew that was never gonna happen.

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