Chapter 23: Ashes of Us

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Victoria's Point of View

"-long story short we need your help to prepare for this upcoming war. Will you help us rally the other elementals for war?" I asked the thirteen council members.

I was speaking (read 'trapped') in a hybrid courtroom/conference room with my eight friends, two troublemakers, my parents, and thirteen very upset and angry council members. This added up to a whole lot of trouble for me.

"We must first alert the other elementals of this looming war and then act." The head councilman stated. He sat in an elevated chair inbetween the other twelve.

The council members were upset due to the fact that Bale was back, had his army and had my brother at his side.

Normally you'd have to have some proof of a threat, but after years of aiding the council with problems such as rampaging monsters, war-mongering psychos and assistance with bringing a villain to justice, they'll trust my word.

But even with the council helping us there were still many problems and complications.

"As for Johnathan and Catherine, they will be unable to use their powers until they prove they are worthy of them." The third councilwoman announced.

I turned in time to see the two of them pale. The head councilman summoned a scroll and started reading from it aloud.

"Wait!" I shouted in hopes of persuading them to postpone this, but the head councilman had already finished the incantation.

Nobody could get rid of anyone's powers forever, but you could still temporarily inhibit them.

There was a small white flash of light and then a sole voice echoed across the chamber.

"All are dismissed."

I strode over from the speaking platform to my friends. Johnnie and Catherine both looked miserable, but seemed otherwise fine.

"This is a depressing punishment." Johnnie whined.

"You could've been executed." Hama added helpfully. Victor drew a line across his throat and even made a gagging sound earning a glare from Catherine.

"We have better things to do then sulk." Ron reasoned.

"Training would be the best way to wait." Joseph proposed.

Josephs motto is "When in doubt, train it out" and he followed this motto at all times.

"Back to the arena!" Hama exclaimed. He grabbed Victor's bag and rummaged through it for a transportation potion. Once he found one he uncapped it, drank it in one gulp and disappeared in a shower of golden dust.

Trust Hama to be competitive no matter the situation. I rolled my eyes and was handed a potion by a very peeved-looking Victor. He hated people going through his stuff without permission and I could relate.

I drank the potion and arrived in the arena, but what I found there wasn't in the least bit what I was expecting.

I was automatically overwhelmed by the smell of smoke and ashes. I was thrown into a coughing fit and my eyes watered, but I forced them open.

As I took in my surroundings, tens of thousands of flaming red embers swirled around me like fire pixies of the volcano territories.

Then I heard a loud crash as my gladiatorial life crumbled around me. The entire building was collapsing. I felt white hot panic fill me as I realized all my friends were here.

With tears in my eyes, both from sadness and the smoke, I waved my right hand in a left to right horizontal motion to disperse the flames.

Within seconds the flames were extinguished and I could see my friends in various places in the arena. They all seemed just as baffled as me. Morgan signaled us to move out of the arena.

After several minutes of climbing and moving still smoldering pieces of wood, I took one last glance at the crumbling arena as I made it outside and felt rage and anger replace my sadness. I knew for a fact who did this, but what made me feel even worse was who told Bale to do burn the arena down.

I was the last one to arrive outside seeing as how I was farthest from the exit. I strode over to where my friends were talking under the lone oak tree that stood many paces away from the arena. I was glad this lone oak tree didn't burn down.

Once I arrived, Morgan began to talk.

"We already know who did this." Morgan stated. We all murmured in reply.

Everyone here was in shock including Natalie, Johnnie and Catherine. Even though they hadn't trained here, this place was historic landmark where great heroes came to train.

"We'll rebuild. Thankfully the nearest village is a several miles from here so no one got hurt." Morgan said calmly.

It was strange to see Morgan so levelheaded and not making jokes about this.

"Everyone needs to go home now and prepare for war. Get your citizens together and arm them." Morgan finished dramatically.

It would take Victor several minutes to make another set of potions. I decided to walk about to pass the time.

"Hey Victoria." Said a voice from behind me. I turned and saw it was Daniell.

"Hi." I said rubbing the back of my neck. "What's up?" I asked trying to keep my cool.

"Just wanted to ask if you'd like to-"

I swear my heart stopped beating for a second.

"-teach Catherine how to use a weapon with me." Daniell said hesitantly.

Even though I felt disappointed that he hadn't asked me out, I smiled.

"Of course. She seems like a dagger person."

"I was thinking more of a bow and arrows for her." Daniell suggested.

"That'll work." I replied.

Even though my usual weapon were katanas, I was rather fond of a good bow and sharp arrows.

"Your brother and Catherine can stay in the palace if you want." I offered.

"Sure. My mum would have a heart attack if Johnnie went home with Catherine and asked for a room." Daniell said with a smile.

"Although Jessie would be ecstatic to finally meet Johnnie." Daniell added.

Jessie was Daniell's six year old sister. She was a little spitfire and I always enjoyed seeing her. She was always at home with her mother helping run their inn.

I've meet Daniell's family more then once and I've always found them fun to be around. They've lost a lot, but they've stayed strong.

One of their trials was when Johnnie ran away five years ago when Daniell was twelve and Jessie had barely turned a year old. She didn't remember Johnnie, but anyone would miss their sibling that they never really got to meet.

"Yeah, I think she would be." I answered.

"Potions done!" Victor announced.

I went and grabbed my potion from where Victor had set up a table for his potion brewing.

As I put the potion to my lips, I was already thinking of what to do. I drank the freshly brewed potion and disappeared.

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