Chapter 30: Pain of a Lost Friend

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Morgan's point of view

My appointed army were to arrive at the moment that they were needed. The moment I called them they'd come and help. I walked out of the building and I went back to New Earth.

I arrived in camp expecting the usual hustle and bustle of an approaching war, but instead was overwhelmed by the death and destruction that surrounded me. I panicked, walked backwards and tripped over someone.

The most of the camp was in ruins. Some fires consumed any tents left and metal and rock were strewn in every direction. It was pure chaos.

My friends were in trouble, I thought, I had to help them.

I stood up quickly and searched desperately around for a familiar face. I noticed one particular lemon blond boy. I ran towards him fearing the worst and praying to anyone that would listen that he was fine. If he was fine, everyone else was fine.

Ron was pinned under what was left of the armory, face down. I rushedly got all the metal off of him and shifted him face up. My vision tunneled as I saw my worst nightmare.

Ron was painfully impaled by a sword that I knew belonged him. He was bleeding rapidly and was unconscious whether from blood loss or shock. Ron was dying and it was almost certain no medical help would save him.

I just sat there with him and watched as the blood steadily stopped. As did his breathing and his heart. As he died, I could feel the shift of another lost life in the universe.

I felt hot tears run down my face and I was choked up with grief for my fallen friend.

I've known him for years. I knew he was so kind to everyone. He loves his friends and he was most courageous person I've ever meet. Ron was Joseph's best friend and my own best friend. I knew he was dead.

I failed, I thought, I let my friend die. I was too late.

Suddenly I thought of what I could do. With my powers, I could never be too late. I would have to face the consequences, but I knew it would be worth it. I set down Ron and got up.

I was still covered in blood and I could tell I was in shock, but I could hardly care about myself right now. I had a mission.

I felt time move around me sluggishly and I arrived. I was right where I was, but ten minutes before.

Ron sat on a crate with his sword by his side, playing soliatare. He looked up and saw me. First he smiled, but then he noticed my clothes and as he asked why I was so bloody, I noticed the bomb floating toward us.

In a split second, I grabbed Ron and jumped to the future just as the bomb exploded. We were thrown back by the explosion, but we landed in the right time stream.

I got up aching and looked at Ron. He was on ground holding his head. Despite my saving him, I still felt the heavy weight of loss and the numbing toxin known as shock.

"Ow." He said simply. He looked around in a dazed manor as if he didn't know where he was. From the blood staining his blond hair, I could tell that he had a very serious head injury.

I helped him up and got him away from the scene and his own dead body before he saw it. We walked in silence and eventually saw Hama.

Hama's point of view

After taking Ron and Morgan to the Healer area, I rushed over to where Victoria and Daniell stood. I was about to tell them the worse news, when she silenced me before I could form the words.

"I already know." She said grimly. Victoria was covered in ash and dirt and she looked older than she really was.

"Most of the generals are dead, including your General and my own." Victoria continued. "Hama, I've been granted the power make you the temporary General and Daniell Danielle is the new General of the Motonishian army."

She pointed at Daniell who stood off to the side glaring and watching Bale's army get closer. He turned around looked at me.

"Hama, we have two choices: One is we fight to the last man or Two is we surrender." Daniell told us gravely.

"Even if we do surrender, we have no clue if they'll really spare anyone." Hama reasoned.

"But if anyone isn't injured we can hopefully take down a good chunk of their army." Hama suggested.

"It's the best plan we have." Victoria agreed.

"Then let's execute it." Daniell said seconding our motion, putting our plan in motion as well.

I went and gathered every one of my soldiers and made makeshift ranks. They stood in line, but I could tell we were missing quite a bit.

Daniell's soldier army took the left side, Viktor's pirate army took the right and the rest of the kingdoms armies fell in wherever they could fit. We were down a third of our army and it was easy to see tha

I felt nervous, but I quickly pushed that feeling down. I got out my daggers and stood at the front lines. I could see Bale's army getting closer and closer. I saw out of the corner Daniell giving a signal. The army raised their shields in unison and I could see the archers get into ready position to start firing.

I gave my own signal and my comrades raised their shields and aimed their spears. We weren't partial to archers so we didn't have any in the royal army, but we did have every other type of combatant.

Then it started to rain. It wasn't raining water, but arrows. The war had truly begun.

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