Chapter 33: Fair Wells and Friends

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Victoria's Point of View

I looked, but I didn't see. I replayed the past few weeks over and over in my head trying to indicate where I made mistakes.

"What are you thinking?" I was jolted back into reality by a familiar voice.

I turned around to see Daniell, with a worried look on his face standing in the doorway of my tower wearing his new uniform.

I went back to looking at the beach and forest from my balcony in my tower. I may like Daniell, but I hated when people worried about me.

"Nothing. I'm just relaxing." I replied nonchalantly hoping he wouldn't notice the mess that is my room. He may be clueless when it came to important things, but he always noticed everything else.

"Obviously not. Your books are scattered everywhere and I can't even see your bed under all those scrolls. What are you looking for?" He asked again.

"An answer to all this." I replied frustrated that even after two days of searching, I couldn't find any useful information. Nothing on Sebastian's plans, Morgan's punishment or Ron's status.

"I know it's frustrating." Daniell said sympathetically now standing on my left. He leaned against the balcony and locked eyes with me. His strange glowing blue eyes against my normal dark brown eyes.

"We just got to hang on for a bit longer. Something is happening, I can sense it."

I gave him a slightly bewildered look, but he simply smiled. His smile could lighten up the darkest situation and I didn't realize I was staring until a minute later. I quickly looked away not wanting him to see the blush creeping up my face.

"You sense it? Hunter instinct?" I inquired.

"Maybe." Daniell answered coolly. A small breeze ruffled his midnight black hair.

He turned around and stared out towards the ocean, but I could tell he wasn't looking at it really.

"Do you know what happens now?" I asked trying to keep my voice from shaking. I had failed my friends and I could feel the burden that is guilt resting on my shoulders.

"We go back to 'normal'." Daniell said using air quotes for emphasis.

"At least until one of us find something important." He finished.

"I heard about your promotion." I said changing the subject. He smiled again and laughed a bit.

"Captain of the Royal Guard. Crazy, huh? I thought Johansson would get the job." Daniell admitted.

"Johansson is a good choice and all, but you're much more qualified." I answered truthfully.

"Well, now I'm in charge of this one super crazy girl who is the hardest to keep track of and is easily the most stubborn person I know." Daniell teased. I gave him a small punch in the arm and he laughed once more.

"I can take care of myself." I testified putting an emphasis on the 'can'.

"I know that. I got to make sure you don't hurt anyone important. You've got your father's temper." Daniell remarked.

"You don't say." I muttered knowing I was practically famous for it. Something bothered me in the back of my mind. It was a question I had yet to ask.

"How are you so cool about all this?" I asked after a heartbeat. Daniell thought about it for a second and then replied.

"It's better to just accept the way things are and just keep on moving. Life is meant to bring you down, but just because it can be awful doesn't mean you have to feel awful." Daniell mused. He may not have been the oldest, but he had been the one to grow up the fastest in our group.

"In other words, choose to be thankful for what good you have now." He said arms gesturing to all of my flourishing kingdom.

I heard the laughter of children as they were let out of school for the day. I could smell the sweet aroma of cake as the village baker made his treats for all to buy and I saw how much hope and faith we had left to share.

"Thanks." I laughed finally feeling some ease.

"I did nothing. That was all you." Daniell objected then he taped the side of his head. "It's all in here, just change your view of things and everything will be better."

"Wiser words were never spoken." I proclaimed.

I propped my elbows on the marble railing of my balcony and just breathed in peace for once this last month. The ivy that came from my hanging pots fell on the balcony like curtains. It was a peaceful setting and I felt relaxed.

"What about you?" Daniell asked breaking that calm.

"What about me?" I replied slightly confused.

"What are you going to do now?" He elaborated. I exhaled deeply thinking of list of things to be done.

"Deal with my parents, learn to become a better future queen, spar, just the usual, I guess. I'll leave the questing to someone else for the while." I assured.

He nodded happy with my answer.

"I've got to go now." Daniell sighed. "I have to go train some new recruits."

"Good luck with that." I laughed.

"Thanks, I'll certainly need all the luck I can get." Daniell responded. He walked across my room to the doorway.

"Fair well." I imparted. He stopped and hesitated for a second, hand on the birch door frame.

"Fair well to you also." Daniell replied without turning around and walked out the door. The door closed on its own and I was left alone

The moment I was certain Daniell had left the tower, I collapsed on a nearby chair and pondered everything in a new light.

A new adventure was going to start whether it was in five minutes of five weeks. It would be sudden and lines would be blurred, but I knew one thing as a fact. I knew I would certainly play an important role in what happens next no matter how much I dreaded it.

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