Chapter 28: War Preparations

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Victoria's point of view

After I won the fight against Daniell, I went on my way. Looking back now I only won thanks to Daniell tripping on a branch. I couldn't help laughing at how confused he was when he ended up on the ground, but then I quickly disarmed him.

I suddenly cut through the armory to get to the meeting place. I was to meet an informant on some very urgent matters by the wall closest to the coast.

I made it to the wall with five minutes to spare. I leaned against the cobblestone wall and pulled out a sports drink and drank it. It was a very muggy day and the sky had not the tiniest cloud in the sky. I was definitely not sure if this was a good or bad sign. I closed my eyes.

It'll get better eventually.

It should just stay the same.

Or just get hotter.

This is Motonishi, the weather is crazy.

The craziest thing ever done is routine. Staying the same is insane.

You're insane.

"You okay there, Princess?"

My eyes snapped open and I nearly tripped getting off the wall. It was the informant, Alexandria Petersen. She was dressed in winter clothes as usual which complimented her cropped black hair, slanted icy grey eyes and slightly tanned skin.

"I'm fine. Just a little tired." I responded. She nodded and pulled out a letter from her pocket of her large fur coat.

"Here's the info I told you about." She said handing me the letter. I handed her one gold coin and three silver pieces. The moment the coins met her hand, she disappeared in a poof of greyish-blue smoke.

I ripped open the letter and scanned through it. I formulated a plan within minutes and decided to go with it. I turned around and walked briskly to my tower to get all my equipment. I ran up the stairs two at a time, tripped only once and threw open the door for dramatic effect.

I tried to snap my fingers, but as usual it didn't work, so instead I clapped my hands together. I felt the thrilling echo of motion magic as assorted items in my room moved.

I grabbed my TT/DS watch midair as it was about to zoom over my head. I fastened it into my wrist and walked over to my satchel as it closed itself shut.

I strode over to one of my tapestries and moved it over revealing a dusty glass mirror. I cleaned the glass of real quick with my cape and sneezed as the dust started to move.

"To Southern Tiance." I ordered. The mirror flickered from my reflection to a dry patch of earth and moss located on the edge of a swamp.

I walked through the mirror with one goal in mind -- to confront my brother.

Sebastian's point of view

I watched from the shadows as my sister walked out of her makeshift mirror portal and into the edge of the Great Bayou. I was genuinely happy she had come.

"How are you?" I asked while she dusted herself off.

She turned around shocked and the first emotion I saw flash across her face after confusion was rage. She was upon me before I could react.

She grabbed me by the collar of my shirt while removing my age-altering charm. I reverted to my 10 year old form and suddenly my legs weren't touching the ground.

"Alright, punk, we're going home." She said throwing me over her shoulder.

"Not happening." I replied and used my own weight to knock her off balance. If there was one thing to know about my sister, it is that she has the balance of a rocking chair in a hurricane.

I was able to wiggle my way to freedom as she stumbled on her own feet. I kept a ten feet distance from her just in case she tried that again. Victoria recovered and simply glared at me.

"What are your demands? An extended curfew, more charms?" She asked teasingly, but her eyes were hard.

I certainly was not happy now that she wasn't taking me seriously. I was a threat and she needed to treat me that way.

"No, I have no demands. All I really want is for you and your armies to lay down your arms and let us win." I said in a reasonable tone.

"Oh, definitely not. If your army were to lay down your arms and be taken peacefully, that would be the much better deal." Victoria answered back.

I exhaled in annoyance. Victoria is the only who could hold a leadership position and still be immature, besides Hama.

"Victoria, I care about your safety and the safety of my people. If you don't take this deal now, I can't promise you that innocents will be spared." I told her civilly.

From her body language, I could tell that she certainly not convinced, but instead peeved. Victoria suddenly changed from angry to sad.

"Sebastian, come home immediately and we'll get this all sorted out. We can fight Bale, together." Victoria said with a sad smile and an outstretched hand. I shook my head, for I knew that wasn't what destiny planned.

"I'm sorry, but we can't work together anymore. I have a different agenda than Bale, one that doesn't include world domination, but that doesn't mean that we're working on the same side. I'll play my part in the upcoming war and you'll play yours, but in the end only you or I will be victorious." I explained. The pun at the end was intentional, but it did not have the intended affect.

"Fine." She said simply, but her eyes said otherwise. They were a dangerous mixture of hurt and anger that displayed a potential for an immense, uncontrollable fire. Hopefully the match wouldn't spark the torch or else we'll have a huge funeral pyre to deal with.

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