Chapter 5: Trouble In Paradise (Edited)

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Victoria's Point of View

I was unarmed, so I crept over to the coffin quietly in fear of it being a monster. From five seconds of listening to the screams, I could tell there were people inside. I used my powers to see if there were any dangerous enchantments or curses on the coffin before I opened it and found only a locking charm.

"I'm about to break you out, hold still." I yelled to the imprisoned people. I muttered the counter-charm and the lid flew off as a girl and boy jumped out.

"Thanks for that. We've been in there for about half a day isn't that right Johnnie?" The girl asked. The boy, Johnnie, nodded.

"And you two are?" I asked unsure if I could trust them.

"I'm Catherine Benitez and this is Johnnie Patterson." Catherine said pointing to Johnnie. Instantly the last name Patterson rung a loud blaring bell in my head.

"Do you happen to be related to a Daniell Patterson?" I asked seeing the slight resemblance between him and Daniell.

"Yes, he's my brother. Do you know him?" He asked narrowing his eyes suspiciously.

"Yes, I'm his friend, you might of heard of me." I asked suddenly feeling antsy. I poised my fingers over where my katanas were, then I realized the elementals that threw me in here took my weapons before they locked me up.

"This is great. We get the goodie-goodie as help." He remarked sarcastically. I remembered something Daniell told me and I put all the pieces of the puzzle together.

"From what I hear from Daniell, your parents disowned you for becoming a malevolent elemental." I commented.

"That's a lie." Johnnie countered. "I ran away with Catherine, because we  fell in love and found our purpose."

"At the moment there are about a hundred evil elements out there, then I find you two in here. I'm guessing you two aren't just innocent bystanders, but the ones that awoke them for your own personal gain and you didn't get what you bargained for." I concluded.

"This one isn't that stupid." Observed Catherine, earning a glare from me.

"Since you know my brother, I'm gonna guess that you're the famous Victoria Arrow." Johnnie said snidely.

"In the flesh." I said utterly annoyed by the gall they had to do such a stupid thing. "Now I'm gonna figure a way out." I said determined.

Thirteen hours later...

I was still looking non-stop and I knew eventually I would have to find a way out. I was feeling around the wall, when I found a new crack to check out. I had checked every crack and crevice, but had no luck in finding a way out. Johnnie and Catherine were absolutely no help at all. All they did was talk about how useless it was to escape this chamber without outside help.

"You think she's gonna find it?" Johnnie whispered loud enough for me to hear. I swear he was only doing it to annoy me.

"If she could've, she would've found it hours ago." Catherine replied back, also loud enough for me to hear.

"Will you two stop being so pessimistic and help out here?" I pleaded for the fifth time in this hour alone.

"That requires work and energy." Johnnie explained.

"Why don't you just wait for someone to come?" Catherine questioned.

Suddenly I heard a tiny click and the door opened, but to my utter surprise it wasn't I who had opened the door, but someone else. It was Daniell and the others.

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