Chapter 31: My Little Brother

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Victoria's point of view

I was ready physically, but not emotionally. I knew what the costs of war is. This was my second war, but my first war had not been as major as this one was going to be. I would have to eventually confront him and I just hoped my temper wouldn't get the best of me like it always did.

I was taken out of my thoughts by Daniell giving me a nudge. He tilted his head upward and I knew what he was inferring.

I waved my hand from left to right with a small wrist twist at the end. This produced a golden shield around us two as the arrows fell upon us like snow. Daniell gave me a smile that conveyed a message that said 'thanks for making a shield and not letting me get turned into a human pincusion'.

The after a few more seconds the arrows stopped falling and I dropped my shield. The army was only a hundred yards away and I got my katanas ready to fight.

As we waited in anticipation, Bale's army suddenly emanated a disturbing battle-cry and charged. We went defensive and used our shields to push them back. Daniell, Hama, Viktor and I didn't have shields so instead we started to attack them.

I moved through Bale's army, cutting down whoever I could. After a long five minutes of fighting, I figured out something. This was getting us nowhere, but I kept going. I clashed with a guy with an ugly scar  from his right eye to his left. I cut his head off and moved on.

A few minutes later, I saw something incredibly strange that annoyed me greatly. Scar guy was back with his head intact. I gave him a 'Are you serious?' and proceeded to kill him again. Once that was done I found my nearest friend, Heath.

"Are you seeing what's happening?" He asked just as I was about to talk. Heath knocked the feet out from under one of the malevolent elementals and hit another one on the nose, hard.

"That's what I was going to ask you." I stated. I swung my katanas in an arch poofing some evil elements that were starting to get too close for comfort.

"Got plans?" I asked. He gave me a weird look for my lack of grammar.

"It's an earth thing." I replied. I slashed through the crowd once more and spared a glance at my allies.

The pirate army Viktor brought was using every means to get the elementals including cannons and fireworks. Hama's army is fighting five against every malevolent elemental. The Motonishian army are fighting with grace as they always do and the assorted army came with many surprises. Morgan's time army were also in on the action, blasting elementals with strange gun-like gauntlets.

"Also I think their army is five times as big since the last time we faced them." Heath also mentioned.

"I'm thinking Sebastian gave them the good idea to go to different dimensions to get more elementals for their army." I guessed.

"Sounds like just our luck." Heath said. Then we were separated and I was left to fight alone among this sea of destruction and death.

I watched as our armies were over taken and slowly cornered. I felt my breathing constrict when I realized we weren't winning. We're too few and had few elementals to combat this huge army that just keeps reforming. I was bruised, cut and lossing energy.

I suddenly noticed Bale waiting atop the hill that spills into the valley. Even from where I was, I could tell he had a smug look on his face. I waded closer and I felt my temper rising and I became more violent.

Then the war stopped and I realized, panic-stricken, I couldn't move. I tried to move my arms, but I was stuck cutting a dark elemental in half with one of my katanas. Others were completely frozen and the only movement came from the top of the hill.

As I stood frozen on the bottom of the gentle slope unable to move, I watched what I assumed my brother's plan is unfold. He held in his left hand a staff with intricate carvings that were mostly covered by the charms that wrapped it from the curled brown top to the black bottom.

The charms glowed a very ominous violet and I knew immediately that all those charms were the reason why we're petrified so totally.

Sebastian had a grim expression as he turned to Bale, who was frozen as well. Bale locked eyes with me and I saw in his eyes he already knew he was going to die.

I watched in slight horror as Sebastian pulled out a nearly blinding silver dagger from a concealed pocket in his outfit and plunged it into Bale's chest without a second thought.

I could only watch as Bale exploded in a cloud of midnight black smoke, that dispersed quickly. I waited and waited for him to reform suddenly, but he didn't. Bale Bauron was finally and truly dead.

Suddenly I could move and so could everyone else, but no one fought. They were to busy watching Sebastian give a signal similar to a wave and a salute. All the malevolent elementals disappeared and reappeared on the hill beside Sebastian.

Despite being able to move again, I did nothing and just stood there watching motionless, temper long extinguished. All that were left on the battlefield were silent. Sebastian locked eyes with me and I saw a maniacal glint in his dark brown eyes that are nearly exact copies of mine. I only now noticed how pale he was looking, but he somehow still seemed to radiate authority.

His army silently disappeared once more, but he stayed for a second, eyes still locked with mine. He took one last bow as if it was curtians on a tragic play and in a way it kind of was.

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