Chapter 15: School Again

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Hama's point of view

When Sebastian said we were going back to school (insert shudder here), I wanted to protest, but on the other hand we'd be closer to going home. I weighed the options and decided I could survive school for one more day.

Sebastion started to explained to Morgan exactly how to get us home, but I was already tuning out. I needed to do something or else I might just die of boredom.

  I went to my room and started to heal some of my cuts and bruises with magic. After ten minutes, it didn't hurt to move. I went back down to the kitchen to get a snack.

  Once in the kitchen, I immediately noticed Natalie and Heath snogging. I decided I could wait on food and I went to the living room.

  Once there I noticed Victoria and Sebastian talking about tomorrow and Johnnie and Daniell arguing about something. I grabbed the control from the table and after pressing a few buttons it turned on.

  Morgan had once shown me what a television was and how it worked. It was knowledge I needed to know and it has come in handy.

  I flipped through the channels like Morgan taught me and eventually I found the News channel. It showed the Floresville High School and the damage. I turned up the volume.

  "An unexplained anomaly occured at this small and quiet high school. From what the students we interviewed, they seem to believe it was a Dragon." The news lady stated.

  "Authorities have cleared up that it was a gas leak from the welding area and the student were simply hallucinating. It still doesn't explain why the area where the gas leak covered was under a foot of water." Finished the news lady.

  By now the others had stopped what they were doing and were paying attention to the News.

  "At least they don't know it was us." Johnnie remarked smirking.

  "But why is that? They had lots of witnesses not only in the cafeteria, but also teachers in other parts of the hallway." Daniell questioned.

  "I called in some people who deal with this sort of stuff." We turned to where Morgan was currently standing.

  We looked at him inquisitly and he simply sighed. He grabbed the small hourglass from his pocket. He turned it over in his hands.

  "I have a life outside of the gladiators and school. Time traveling has shown me things I had never even known existed." Morgan started.

  "The first time I used my powers as a nine year old, I was 'pulled over' by these guys that call themselves the time police." He stopped and held up the hour glass.

  "This is their symbol and when they found me they taught me stuff about time travel. They mostly deal with anomalies and fixing them. They're the ones who dealt with the situation at the school." He finished.

  It was truly shocking. Usually Morgan told us everything and he never seemed to have secrets. Victoria looked like she wanted to hit him for not telling her, but she seemed to be suppressing the urge to do so.

  After two hours of us asking and Morgan answering questions, he left. After Morgan left, we planned and prepared for any possible situation for six long hours.

  At about eightish, Victoria told us to go to bed despite my many protests. I went and flopped on my bed, I fell asleep within five minutes.

Victoria's point of view

  I was super tired from planning and was physically drained from fighting. My plan for right now was to go to bed and sleep. I could relax despite popular belief.

  I went into the room I shared with Natalie and Catherine. It was very dark in the room and I didn't turn on the lights, mostly because I knew where my bed was supposed to be.

  I assumed my bed was right next to me and I jumped onto it. Unfortunately for me, I didn't hit the bed, but the ground instead.

  Catherine and Natalie decided to walk in the moment after I recovered from my shock. They turned on the light and saw me sitting on the floor fuming. Then they each adorned twin smirks.

  I knew immediately that they were the culprits. I scowled at the fact that only were doing that to annoy me and I sure didn't appreciate that.

  "Where's my bed?" I asked hoping they had a legitimate reason for stealing my bed.

  "Who do you like?" Natalie asked. For a second I didn't understand what Natalie had said, then once it finally made sense I was beyond enraged.

  "You stole my bed for blackmail about who I like?" I asked irked. With all that fighting I couldn't summon a tissue, much less make an entire bed. Then they had the nerve to not even look sorry.

  "We're in the middle of a freaking war. People are dying and you guys want to gossip about who likes who and blackmail me?" I raised my voice at the last part.

  Natalie and Catherine looked at their feet and didn't say a word. I knew if I stayed I'd do something stupid, so I stormed out of the house and headed for the big oak tree in the backyard.

  That wouldn't be the first time I've slept in a tree and if I survived past tomorrow, it probably wouldn't be the last time.

(Nine Hours Later)

  I awoke everyone at about six with the help of some pots and pans. I made sure to be especially loud around Natalie and Catherine's room.

  After much grumbling, eating and packing, we got on the bus and rode in silence to school. I'll spare you the gory details about who I verbally fought with and which class was the worst.

  By the time school ended, I was ecstatic about the fact that we might get to go home. Sebastian was already waiting at the courtyard by the time we all meet. Sebastian had agreed to stay at J.C.'s, the fast food restaurant, while we had to go to school.

  It was Tuesday, so naturally everyone was already gone due to no clubs or tutoring available except for a few teachers that were on the other side of the school complex. We had the place practically to ourselves.

  Sebastian instructed us to stand in a circle and grab each other's hands. Sebastion signaled to Morgan asking if he was ready or not. Morgan nodded and closed his eyes.

  I could feel the energy flying through the air, but it felt wrong somehow. I opened my mouth to say something, but all I was silenced by a searing harsh light.

  When my sight returned, we were surrounded by an army of malevolent elementals and one very elated Bale.

Daniell's point of view

  Once I saw the army, my hand went to my sword hilt, but just as soon as I did that a spear was aimed at my heart. I lowered my hand to my side slowly and sent a death glare in Bale direction.

  "It's taken almost all of my resources to find you, but it will all be worth it once I destroy all you hold dear and the best part was how I found twelve." Bale remarked.

  'How did he find us?' I thought to myself. 'There are infinite dimensions. It would've been impossible to find us.'

  "Finding you was easy," Bale smiled in an evil manner, "once one of your own helped me."

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