Chapter 17: Dimensions (Hama and Victor)

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Hama's Point of View

Once Victor and I emerged from the other side of our portal, we got up and started to assess where we were. It was a green forest and everything seemed perfect. I grabbed my daggers because I know that anywhere that looked perfect was more than likely evil.

"Where do you think we are?" I asked.

"It looks like the Amazon." He responded.

"The Amazon?" I asked confused. It didn't sound like a real place, but then again there was a possibility it was real in some other dimension.

"Yeah, huge rainforest on earth. Am I the only who paid attention during school?" He asked obviously exasperated.

"I sure didn't. Neither at Floresville nor at home." I said lightly tapping him on the nose playfully. Victor rolled his eyes and went back to analyzing the area.

I heard a rustling noise and I automatically tensed. I turned my focus to the direction of the noise. The direction of the noise was coming from the bush next to Viktor. I looked over at Viktor and gave him the signal to attack.

He grabbed a small rock and he threw the rock into the bush. We heard a small female 'ow' and out came a rabbit. I looked at Viktor and laughed that we had been scared by a rabbit.

"That wasn't very polite."

Victor and I snapped our attention to the rabbit. It looked as cross as a bunny could look. I tried saying something, but no words came. Animals can't talk.

"Aren't you going to apologize for hurting me?" The rabbit asked. Or maybe they can.

"You can talk?" Asked Viktor who looked very surprised. He was the logical one and he found all magic very illogical.

"Of course I can. What animal can't talk?" She inquired. I regained my composure and decided that this wasn't going to be the weirdest thing we see.

"We're not from here." I responded. She seemed to be contemplating this.

"You're not? Well that's not good. Outsiders aren't welcomed here." Then she whistled very loudly and suddenly we were attacked by a large group of different small critters.

Fortunately, I was able to use my plant powers to get them off me, but I forgot to get the vines to help Viktor. He was screaming and it honestly looked very comical.

"Hama, make them stop! They're maiming me! Help!" He screamed. I was pondering whether or not to help, but eventually I decided to help. I commanded the vines to pry all the animals off.

"Stop messing around, we need to get home." I said faking irritation. He responded by punching me in the arm and scowling.

We walked around for an hour and I was growing bored. The only funny thing that happened was Victor getting startled every time we saw an animal.

"What are we even looking for?" I asked. When Morgan was talking, I zoned out as usual.

"According to what Morgan, Johnnie and Victoria wrote, we are looking for a place, in whatever universe we landed, where reality is really thin. Once we do find that spot, you can use your powers to open a portal. " Victor explained flipping through an old book.

"But I thought you had to have Morgan's power type or some sort of device." I remarked. Thinking about time and space made my head hurt, so I tried not to think about that.

"That's true, but since reality is thin due to all the portal activity, any elemental can open a portal. Next time you should listen." Viktor said crossly.

"You're just mad I let that bunny maul you." I said teasingly. He simply rolled his eyes and walked towards a small valley.

"I believe this is the spot." He remarked. I walked over to 'the spot'.

"So, what do I do now?" I asked still confused.

"Say this spell." He said handing me a book with a spell and its description on it. I recognized the book.

"Isn't this the book that got Victoria stranded in another dimension." I asked. 'Memories.' I thought to myself.

"Yup and get to the magic thing you do." Victor replied.

I shrugged and stood in the spot that Victor had pointed out earlier.

"Foro Fatum Lapus Potestas." The moment I finished the spell, a navy blue portal coloured opened. Thankfully it wasn't changing colour, so this will be less of a guessing game.

"It worked." I said astonished. I honestly thought this would just end up with me causing or catching on fire.

"Come on. We need to go in before it closes." Victor said grabbing my arm and pulling us both into the portal.

On the way in, I stumbled and when I arrived on the other side I accidentally ran into a guy in a robe holding some weird laser sword. He looked incredibly shocked before he fell down a giant hole screaming bloody murder.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" Asked Victor angrily. I walked to the edge of the hole and looked down. It looked like that was a long fall with a very hard landing.

"Nope and I hope I don't find out." I said. "Where to now?" Victor looked at me like I had just grown a second head.

"You don't even feel sorry?" Victor asked.

"At the moment, no. We have more innocent blood on our hands the longer we stay away from home. Plus I think that guy I pushed, killed this guy." I said pointing to said dead body.

Victor looked horrified that someone else was dead. He ran over to do his doctor thing and I could tell by how Victor was acting, that the guy was dead.

I walked over and I noticed that the guy was also wearing robes and had some circular metal pipe thing laying by him. I had no idea what or when this place was, but it was definitely somewhere weird.

"We need to get to the next weak spot in this reality or else Bale wins." I argued.

"Fine, but promise you'll do something to make up for killing that guy." I rolled my eyes, but said yes regardless.

It took us an hour of exploring the strange building to finally find the weakest point in reality. We saw strange things and at one point we saw we were in space. I opened the portal and we stepped through the portal and into the unknown.

That last dimension I do not own, but I do want someone to guess what that dimension was and who Hama accidentally killed.

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