Chapter 6: What now?

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Victoria's Point of View

Honestly, I have no idea what to do. Sure I've battled monsters, defeated many villains and saved quite a few kingdoms over the years. I'm  proud to say that I am more widely known for my heroics then my royal heritage.

We need a plan to destroy these dastardly undead villains once and for all, but of course that meant that we had to get along and at the moment I had a better chance of defeating Bale, army not included, with my bare hands.

We each have our own ideas and we each think ours is the best solution. Its safe to say, we fought for at least an hour.

I simply suggested that we should fortify the major kingdoms and evacuate everyone into those certain cities to defend the entire population of new earth.

Sebastian had other ideas. He advised that we should rally the armies and attack to get the drop on the bad guys.

Hama agreed, but thought it would be better if we get everyone to fight.

We broke out into fighting, when Hama and Sebastian caught me calling them 'War-mongering idiots'.

Daniell, Catherine and Johnnie agreed with me and my ideas of defense.

Joseph and Ron agreed with my brother's plan. Victor was the only one that agreed with Hama, much to his disappointment.

After Hama, Sebastian and I had a real go at it, everyone else got into the fight, fanning the flames of tension.

While the three of us fought, Ron and Joseph fought with Catherine about how each plan was idiotic in their own ways.

Surprisingly (note the sarcasm) Daniell and Johnnie were fighting again, but the only words that I heard would most definitely get anyone's mouth washed out with soap.

"That is enough!" Yelled Heath at the top of his lungs. The entire room fell silent. Heath never yelled unless he was truly angry and I've never seen him angry before.

He turned scarlet, as all eyes were on him, but his courage though it wavered held true.

"We need to stop fighting. The longer we stay here fighting, the longer Bale is out there causing widespread panic and fear." He said the only one seeing things as they are, not how we each think it should be.

"According to quest specifications, the person who started this quest will lead this quest and that person is Morgan, so we either need to all vote Victoria the new leader of the quest and resume the quest or-" He finished in one breath amazingly. He continued.

"We go on a rescue mission to save Morgan to lead the quest, but this is the decision that falls squarely on the only other person on this quest." He recited from memory, he was the only one to read the gladiators handbook and we relied on him for the rules.

He turned to face me. "Victoria, what do you think we should do?" He asked. All eyes were on me now. My life was always people choosing me to lead because of who I was, but I would like for someone else to have the limelight for once.

"I think we should go get our friend back." I said walking towards the door, with a long procession in tow.

A hissing noise louder then anything I've ever heard, sounded. I signaled to the others to stay back, as I assessed the situation.

I walked towards the exit of the chamber and saw, the great beast. The great beast had sprung from the thoughts of a malevolent destruction elemental. It was a hideous dinosaur-like monster.

I had defeated the great beast before with help of a smoke elemental, whose magic was for some strange reason deadly to this particular monster.

Unfortunately for me, I didn't have the aid of a smoke elemental, so I did my usual battlefield strategy, I charged and hoped for the best.

With my katanas in hand, I ran towards the monster. Just as I was about to strike the monster, it fell dead.

My friends and I were all confused by this sudden development.

"That was easier then I thought." Said a voice I recognized as my old playmate, Natalie Navarro.

She climbed over the carcass and walked over to us and smiled her signature mischievous smile that suggested she just did something stupid and incredible.

"And you are?" Asked Hama not sure if to take this girl as a threat or not.

"Natalie Navarro and an old friend of Victoria." She said as we hugged.

"You haven't grown any taller since the last time I saw you." I said teasingly.

"And you haven't gotten any taller since the first time I saw you." She retorted smartly. All my friends laughed at her jest, while I simply rolled my eyes.

"Okay, you've earned my respect with that insult." Hama said in between laughs.

"You two look alike." Said Ron.

"We're cousin's." We both replied at the same time. "On my mother's side." I said.

"We also played together when we were young." Said Natalie.

"What are you doing here?" I finally asked now that we cleared up all the confusion.

"I was tracking this monster for the some points for the gladiator presentation of good deeds, now that I'm a member." Natalie explained. "Now what are you doing here?"

"Fighting the forces of evil, what else?" I said.

"Sounds fun, can I come?" She asked obviously looking for something new to do.

"Can you handle it?" I asked teasingly.

"I just slayed the great beast, all by my self, what do you think?" She stated.

"You're in." I said. "Now let's go. Oh and Heath can you explain to Natalie what this quest is about?" I added.

He nodded and walked over to Natalie to start explaining the quest.

"Where do these tracks lead?" I asked Daniell looking at a mess of prints.

"From what I can tell, the majority of these prints lead in that direction." He said pointing North-West.

"Then that's the way we go." I simply replied, already walking in that direction. At the moment I was ready for anything, but I knew that wouldn't last to long.

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