Shawn: "Best. Idea. Ever!!"
Gus: "People say our intense love of bunnies is creepy at our age but, history has proven them to be heartless bastards."
Shawn: "I can't believe the French actually eat these little guys."
Gus: "The French aren't the only ones."
Shawn: "What?! Naw I wasn't counting other rabbits."
Gus: "Rabbits don't eat each other Shawn."
Shawn: "Most rabbits, yes."
Gus: "No pretty much all. You know what, this conversation is going to end badly."
Psych Funny Moments
HumorOk so this is one of my favorite shows in the world. It's a murder detective comedy show. Shawn is a psychic. He says that but he actually really isn't. He just has a rare photographic memory. He spots objects or clues and he makes a huge scene abo...