The Amazing Psych-Man & Tap Man

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Shawn: "Thanks a lot Benedict Donald Jackson."

Gus: "I know what this is about. You're jealous of all the attention the Mantis is getting. Especially from Juliet."

Shawn: "Please, you think I care if Juliet gives a guy a little attention? How insecure do you think I am? Seriously, how insecure do you think I am? I need you to tell me. Will you please tell me?"

Gus: "Why're you bothered by this guy?"

Shawn: "Because Gus, there's already a bad ass, crime fighter, in a cool outfit, running around this town, and his name is meeehh. I mean this guy doesn't even fly, or activate into half of something you just happen to need in the moment."

Gus: "He's clearly ambulating the every man superheros, like Batman and Iron Man. Besides, you shouldn't criticize the guy without knowing his origin story."

Shawn: "The Mantis is not a real superhero, Gus. It's just some nut in the mask."

*Shawn has a "psychic vision"*

Shawn: "Hey, what's that calendar you have on your desk? The one that's all luny."

Gus: "You mean lunar? It tracks the phases of the moon."

Shawn: "What's the next phase?"

Gus: "New moon. It's coming soon. 26th."

Shawn: "26th..."

Shawn: "Everyone stop what you're doing and only pay attention to me! Getting a clear, psychic vision, when the next camino drug exchange will take place. September 26th."

Gus: "It's October."

Shawn: "What? That's almost like a year away."

Gus: "October of this year, Shawn."

Shawn: "October 26th, because this is the month of October."

Lassie: "Spencer, you're not offically on this case. You know the routine, first you go and--"

Shawn: "Dad, can I please?"

Henry: "You're hired!"

Shawn: "...Well there it is."

Lassie: "Fine. We'll look into it. Have vice monitor local street chatter for anything going down on the 26th. Especially any large industrial shipping's after hours. Don't anyone breathe a word to this outside the force."

Lol Shawn "And his name is Meeh!!"

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