Chapter 4:

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I grabbed the computer and lifted up the screen. I opened up his twitter to see what he was watching.



The heading read.

I ran out of the tour bus and looked for Harry. I ran to the back of it. He was sitting on a picnic table looking forward. I walked up to his side.

His head faced the ground now.

"Just tell me what I saw isn't true."

He looked up at me.

I opened my mouth.

"I-I can't." I whispered.

Tears fell from my eyes.


His voice cracked.

I had no words. I wasn't prepared for this. I Didn't know what to day or do.

He stood up and just looked at me.

His hands were in his pockets.

"You lied." He paused. "All this time."

I couldn't make contact with him.

"I can explain." I whispered

"Really? Can you really?" His voice raised.

More tears came from me.

"I didn't mean to yell." He stepped closer to me. "Just tell me why you never to us." He said in sympathy.

"No." I said aloud.


"It's not supposed to happen like this Harry. I lied to you. I lied to the boys. I lied to the world. You're supposed to hate me. I'm a terrible person with a terrible past! I'm a liar! Yell at me! I don't deserve sympathy." I said breathlessly.

He stopped me.

"But you need it Ella." He hugged me.

What the h*** was wrong with him? Yes, I did need sympathy but I'm not supposed to have it. He led me into the tour bus again. We sat down on the couch.

"Just tell me what's going on." He said.

That's when it happened. All the words and secrets I've kept inside for all my life came out. I gave Harry every single detail that he needed to understand. It felt weird telling someone all this.

And it's Harry.

Not Niall.


"Ella you should've told us." He whispered. His head was in his hands.

"It would've been so much easier then lying this whole time." He said.

"I thought you guys would be afraid of me. Think that I would hurt you." I whispered. He rubbed my back.

"How am I supposed to tell the boys."

I paused.

"How am I supposed to tell Niall."

He hugged me. I cried into his chest.

"Please. He'll understand, just like I did. He loves you Ella, he'll understand."

I nodded into his chest.

The door opened.

"What's going on?"


Authors note :

Sorry if these chapters seem shorter than usual. I updated again today just for @Hollywoodbeat56 . Hope you guys like it. More is coming ? I don't know when though (:


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