Chapter 15 : Interview

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I laid down in my bed, while trying to find a good show to watch. I decided on Twisted, I loved that show. It was so intresting and left you always thinking. 

After my little breakdown outside, Jake took me back to my place. He left an hour ago, I told him I wanted to be by myself. He wouldn't leave though, so I just kept on begging. He said he was going to buy me a new phone, because well I threw mine out the window.

He doesn't like not being able to get a hold of me. 

Today was terrible, in my opinion. Because, the paparazzi, fans, and the hate is all to much for  me to handle. I didn't think anyone knew. Well, technically people don't, they all just know I'm a liar.

I hate calling myself that. Even though I was a liar.. I'm not anymore.  Hah, I'm surprised no one has sang that little tune to me yet.

"Liar, Liar. Pants on Fire."

 I pulled the covers over my body. I wonder how the boys are doing. Liam, Harry, Louis, Zayn and..


I hope their doing alright. Just thinking them made my stomach drop. They probably still hate me. Heck, they probably cleared me from their minds. They wanted to forget about me and they probably did.

They're having the time of their lives, I bet. I was holding them back I think. Whenever they had to go somewhere without me, they suddenly cancelled it because they felt bad for leaving me.

God, I was a b**** for letting them do that.

I got out my computer and looked up some of their interviews. I found one that had my name in the title and clicked on it.  It wasn't the whole interview, it was a part that was about me.


Interviewer : "So, Niall. There are pictures everywhere of Ella leaving the airport. Why did she go home?" 

Niall cleared his throat as the boys all looked at him. Harry's eyebrows furrowed.

Niall : "Uh, Me and Ella broke up." 

In : "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. What happened?" 

Ni : "Uh, she was lying to me about-"

Harry elbowed him in the shoulder.

He whispered something in Nialls ear.

Ni : "I don't know if she would be comfortable with me telling you or anyone without her permission. So, I'll leave it up to her to tell." 


Well, that's odd. Niall actually cared about me during it. Or Harry just told him to say that. 

Yeah, Harry probably just told him to.

I felt bad for Harry. He was always trying to talk or text me, but I ignored him. Really, he was the only one who cared about me leaving. Who never gave up on me. Who never stopped loving me. 


I remember the day I left Harry sent me a text saying he loved me. I never understood what kind of love though, because I never replied. Harry was always like a brother figure to me though, he was always there when I needed him. 

I saw a link of a song that was called, "Don't Let Me Go." It was by Harry, I guess. I clicked on it and started listening.

It really was a beautiful song, but why was he only singing it? Where were Liam, Niall, Zayn and Louis? Why wasn't One Direction singing? My thoughts were getting interupted by ringing.

I was getting a Skype call.

The screen read -

"Niall Horan."


Authors Note :

Hi! Still only 2 people commented.. Thank you to them (: More is coming !


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