Chapter 17 : Hospital

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Jake's POV :

I knocked on the door several times, Ella's door. I was coming here to tell her some news! I heard something from inside them a big crash. I knocked louder.

"Ella?! What happened? Are yo alright?!" I yelled.

No answer.

I got out the key from her plant beside the door. I unlocked the door to find Ella laying motionless on the floor. I ran to her side and turned her around so I could see her face. 

No life.

I picked her up and ran out the door. Not bothering to shut the door. I ran down the apartments stairs and outside. 

My heart was beating faster than usual, what happened to her?

Of course the paparazzi was waiting for us, but I shoved my way through them and ran. I ran faster than I ever had. I finally found myself running through the hospital door and to the front desk.

Everything was a blur. People took Ella out of my arms and took her. A nurse stayed by my side trying to calm me door.

I was crying.

She sat me down on the chair and got me some water.

"Is. Ella. Gonna. Be. Alright." I said between my slow breaths. 

"Hun, she's going to be just fine. I'm sure of it." She said rubbing my back.

About an hour later, after I calmed down. The nurse took me near Ella's emergency room. I sat down on a chair outside of it. 

I prayed a lot. I didn't want anything happening to Ella. She was my best friend, I couldn't do anything without her.

Nialls POV:

I'm pissed at Harry.

He gets the chance to talk to Ella and blows it.

He just decides to hang up.

He said that he couldn't see her like that.

Like what?

I sat down on the couch farthest from Harry. We were watching the "World Wide News" with that old lady person. There was breaking news in London.

"As you can see in this video coming up, young ex of Niall Horan, Ella Smith, was being carried out of her apartment complex by friend Jake Kines, motionless. Here it is."

My heart dropped, my mouth fell open, including the rest of the boys'.

On the video Jake ran out of the complex pushing through people. His face was the whitest I've ever seen it, he looked shocked, and terrified. Not to mention the tears falling from his face.

"More about this breaking story is coming soon." 

Liam shut of the TV. We all remained silent. 

Ella, she could be dead.

The tears started to form in my eyes.

"What are we just going to sit here like cowards and not do anything?" Harry yelled.

"What are we supposed to do?" Louis whispered.

I remained silent.

"We go." He said.

"Go where?" Zayn asked.

"To London." He paused.

"I don't know about you guys but I love Ella. And I'm not just going to sit here, across the ocean from her, when she could be dying. I'm going to London, with or without you." He said walking into his room.

Liam got up and followed him.

"We can't just leave Harry. We're on tour-"

"We have how many days off..?" Harry said. There was silence.


I got up and went to my room and started packing, the rest of the boys did the same.

I couldn't believe I was actually doing this.


Authors Note :

Guys, I have sad news. I didn't win One Direction tickets. I called in on a radio station and they never answered me ): I'm going to call again though! And sorry, this is a poopy chapter... More is coming though (:


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