Chapter 31 : No Clue

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So yeah, I'm freaking out. One Direction just got done with their interview and now it's commercial. So I only have like 2 minutes left. I was at the freaking entrance of the stage, THE ENTRANCE. I'm going nuts.

"Ella, stay calm, you're shaking." Jake said. 

"I know, I am. But, Jake, I'm just so nervous." I said.

"I'm going to be right here, Ella. Just pretend I'm that interviewer, that you're telling me everything." He said. 

I bit my lip. "You think everything's going to go fine?" I asked.

"I know it." He smiled. I kissed his cheek. 

"Ella. You're on." A man said before opening the doors in front of me.

This is it. 


Ella walked onto the stage with butterflies in her stomach. She forced a smile at the audience. She was engulfed in a hug from the interviewer.

"Ella, you look great." She smiled.

"Thanks, you too." Ella said nervously. They both sat on chairs across from each other. The interview started with the normal questions, like "how are you" and "what have you been up to". 

"You and Jake, eh?" She laughed.

Ella laughed also but shook her head no. "No, we're just great friends. He's like my brother." Ella said, she couldn't help but blush while saying it though.

"For now." The interviewer said. Ella laughed nervously.

"He's been with you through all this hasn't he?" She said suddenly getting serious.

"Um, well not all. He came into the picture after his sister had died, we used to work together. Then Jake filled in. We've been so close ever since." Ella said.

"Oh." She said and looked into the camera. "So, after this short break, we will get to the part that everyone has been waiting for. Ella Smith's Story."

A buzzer went off signaling that it was a commercial break. Jake came rushing to Ella's side. 

"How are you? Are you ok?" He asked rubbing his thunb on her cheek. 

She lowered his hand. "I'm fine. Just shaky." She said holding out her arms to show how they were shaking.

"You're doing great, Ella. Really, and please don't hold it in." He said.

"Hold what in?" She asked.

"The tears, whenever you try not to cry you get all b****y." He chuckled. Ella nodded her head in agreement and laughed. She looked over Jake's shoulder and saw Niall standing alone.

"Were you talking to him?" Ella said quietly.

"Yeah," Jake replied. "he's really worried about you." 

Ella just nodded in response, not knowing what to say. Another buzzer went off, 30 seconds til they air again.

"Good Luck." Jake said backing away. Ella returned to her chair and waited until another buzzer. It soon went off, and the interview started back up.

"We're back and ready with Ella Smith. I first heard of Ella when she was dating boy band member, Niall Horan. But since the break up, everyone had been wondering why. Why a perfect couple like them are done. Now, spreading all over the Internet is a directioner war. Over Ella's secret, which we are going to find out, right now." The interviewer said.

Ella played with her fingers. "Start from the beginning." The interviewer smiled at her. 

Ella took a deep breath.

"I'm scared to death right now." Ella mumbled. The interviewer nodded at her telling her to tell the story.

Ella opened her mouth.

"Ever since I was born, I, myself, was being lied to. By my own father. Let's just start with my father, he was John Smith." Ella explained. "The man who was world wide news, because he had killed 5 people, including my own my. My mother was killed after she had me. And I mean the same day. My dad killed her and took me away. I'm guessing the nurses found her dead in the bed." Ella said.

"Oh my god." The interviewer whispered.

"My dad always told me she died of breast cancer when I was 3. And since I was so young I didn't remember anything, so I believed him. He always told me that he didn't have any pictures or videos of her. I always thought it was strange, you know? I mean no pictures. It wasn't until I met Niall when I realized it was wrong. Niall kept telling me to look for a picture, and I did. I found one.. and god she was so beautiful." Ella had tears falling from her cheeks now.

"And I was watching TV. She was the lady who was always on the news and who I thought looked a little like me. I confronted my father about it. And yeah, I kept it a secret from everyone until December 3rd. That's when I turned him in." Ella took a shaky breath.

"My father didn't stop at my mom either. He always said he needed to protect me, but all he did was hurt me. He killed my best friend Brett when I was 14 years old.  I was traumatized for months, I still am. I was there when he killed him, actually. I heard a scream and I ran down to the basement, it was already done. We moved out of that area." Ella wiped her eyes, her voice was shaking as she spoke.

"I didn't talk to my dad, to be honest I was afraid of him for the longest time. Then, when I was 16 he killed my boyfriend Luke, I still don't know how he killed him, and Luke's body was never found. At the time me and Luke were so in love. And I had no clue that my dad would have killed him. He kept it from me for about a month, until he decided to move away again." Ella explained.

"I knew my dad was just at the start to. I had a feeling more deaths would come. So, I just stayed away from people, never talked to people in school. Trust me, I wanted friends, but I didn't want anyone getting hurt. He killed 2 more kids in the next year, and we moved 2 more times. I had to learn  to deal with it. I just had to."

"Soon, I met Niall and Harry. Harry spotted me at the mall and Niall tried to give me Harry's number. So really, Niall was trying to hook me and Harry up." Ella laughed at the memory, even though she was terrified at the time. I rejected them and walked away. But sneaky little Niall slipped the paper into my bag. My dad found it before me."

"Niall, found where I worked, blah blah blah.It turned out Niall liked me, but I didn't want to like him back. I didn't want him getting hurt. But of course I liked him. Niall wanted to get close to me, he knew something was up. But I never told him. My dad found out about Niall, he told me he was going to kill him. And the time, I thought that I loved Niall. I think I actually did. So I told Niall to stay away from me, that we could never speak again." Ella played with her fingers, she wondered what Niall was doing as she said all this. 

"Wow." The interviewer said, "You've really been through a lot, haven't you?" She patted Ella's hand.

"Yeah." Ella whispered.

"So how'd did you tell the boys?" She asked.

"I uh-, Harry actually found out before I told any of them. He found a link on twitter that had my name in it. So somehow, a fan found out. But anyway me and Harry talked it  out and he understood. I was so freaked out though, you have no idea. Harry convinced me to tell Niall, while he told the boys. And I did. But he didn't take it as well, and I understand that. He deserved to be mad at me, I lied to him since the moment I met him. I still regret everything I did."

"Because of those stupid lies, I lost the 5 most important people to me. And to this day, we still aren't the same. And I hate myself because of it. Every time they try to help or talk to me. I push them away. And I have no clue why."


Author Notes :

Ok, so I think the next chapter will be the last.  And a epilogue. I loved writing this fanfic! My new fanfic Cover Up, it's trailer is on the side (i think). And the prologue is now published. Just go to my page to read it. PLEASE READ AND ADD TO YOUR LIBRARIES IT WOULD MEAN EVERYTHING TO ME! Thanks I love you guys (: More is coming!


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