Chapter 7:

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I buckled myself in and tried to get comfortable. It was awkward being the only one on the plane. We took off within a few mintues. I leaned my head against the window, looking outside. I closed my eyes and tried to keep myself calm. I gripped onto my armreats. I wasn't fond of planes, Niall knew that too.

The flight attendent came by me asking if I needed anything. I said its was ok but I really wanted to ask of he could hold me hand. But that would be to weird. I started to think of what Emily's mom said to me. I was that little girls romodel. But for all she knew I was an innocent girl with a perfect life, but really I'm the opposite of that. What are people going to think of me when they find out? Sooner or later me or Niall have to tell the press why I left the tour.

They'll probably all think I used them for fame, which I didn't. Niall is probably thinking that right now. He probably wants to kill me. I wonder what he's been saying to Harry. I mean do you think he hates Harry because Harry found out before him? I hope not.

I looked down at my screensaver. It was me and the boys when I went to my first concert of theirs. I smiled to myself. I blinked several times trying to hold back the tears. It's hard to believe just a couple hours ago me and Niall were in love. A carefree couple, and now, well now he hates me. We're gone from each other.

I should've told Niall at first, everything would've been fine. But I waited to long, waayyy to long. I am so stupid, I can't believe I thought everything would be alright, it turned out to be the complete opposite really. My life is completely ruined.

All because of one big stupid lie.

*End of Flashback*


Authors Note :

Hey, um bad news. My stories got deleted on wattpad. I can only update on now. I'm seriously like freaking out, if all my work got deleted.. Idk. I'm just mad! Don't update. That's what happened to me now I'm in this situation. I'm so sorry of it takes me longer now. If this ever happened to you, please give me some advice. More is coming soon.. Hopefully •_•


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