Chapter 13 : My Life

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"Why didn't you leave a message?" Niall asked as I set the phone back down.

"Her number isn't available anymore.. She must've deleted it." I said.

"S***, Then how do we get a hold of her?" Niall asked.

"We don't."

Ella's POV :

"I'm taking you outside Ella, now go get changed." Jake said dragging me into my bedroom.

"But I don't want to. I'm perfectly fine with hiding indoors the rest of my life." I said crossing my arms.

"You're going to have to face the world sooner or later Ella." He said.

"I choose later." I said.

"And I choose now. Please just go get changed." He said.

I gave up and shut the door on him. I just took a shower last night, so my hair was a mess. I brushed through all the knots and let it flow in its natural waves. I put on some light make up. I put on a pair of light blue skinny jeans with a white flowy tanktop with my navy cardigan over it. I also put on my scarf.

It was mid winter here. I brushed my teeth quickly and walked back into the living room. Jake smiled at me.

"Now, doesn't it feel nice to get changed out of those clothes for who knows how long you've been in." He joked. I punched him. "Shut up." I laughed. I locked the door and we headed down stairs. I took a deep breath as we faced the door.

I saw the paparazzi already waiting, how come they never left? Jake started walking out the door. I pulled him back.

"Jake, I'm scared." I whispered. He squeezed my hand. "Everything's going to be fine." He said. I put on my sunglasses and looked down as we walked out the door. They started throwing questions at me.

Jake pushed through everyone with me clenching onto his arm. What will people think seeing me like this. I look fricking anorexic. Jake pulled me into his car and we drove away. 

This was my life now.

People will always be after me.

I couldn't live like this.

"Are you ok?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, just a little freaked out, I guess." I mumbled playing with my fingers.

"Can I use your phone? I forgot to call my mum this morning." He asked.

"Uh, no.." I mumbled.

"Why not?"

"I kind of destroyed it.."


Authors Note :

Hi! Thank you guys so much for all the comments! Please keep on commenting. They all make my day. Also, I found someone on the intenet who I think Ella looks like. You know how you imagine how a character looks like in your head. Well that's what I did. Just go on Google images and look up:

"Emilie Nereng Tumblr."

I chose her because she's not to over the top, like Ella. She gorgeous though. So please just tell me if that's how you imagine Ella. (: Thanks! More is coming!!


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