Für diese Einsendung bedanke ich mich bei @Illyra (;
Another loud bang
It seems closer every time.
The ground rumbling again,
shivering just like me.
My heart beating fast
and in all the fear
I only know one thing:
I need to leave.
Another wave crashing
against the small boat.
It is rocking
back and forth like me
My blood pumping fast
and in all the hope
I only know one thing:
I have to make it.
Another weird look,
more words unspoken.
The people talking again
about me.
My face blushing
and in all the shame
I only know one thing:
I want home.

De Todo«Und am Ende sind wir alle nur noch eins: Menschen!» Eine Sammlung von Texten, die etwas bewirken sollen. © Die Urheberrechte liegen bei den unterschiedlichen Autoren.