Chapter 4: The Meeting

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I'd been in Louisiana for three days; which meant my time here was almost half way over. But instead of thinking about that, might as well get ready for today. I did my normal morning routine, shower, makeup, hair. I slipped my ripped skinny jeans on as well as my Brad Paisley tee. I decided to go to Starbucks, so I headed over, ordered, and waited. I soon found myself humming to an old Miranda Lambert song, 'More like Her'...

     "Nice song," a random guy behind me in line said smiling. He was a cute, dirty blonde, normal country guy. I'd never seen him around before.

     "Yeah I love her", I said smiling at him.

     "That the only country you like?", he said obviously trying to make conversation.

     I replied, "Not at all. I love Jason Aldean and Blake Shelton also, as well as a bunch of other artists. It's my favorite genre." After a while, I found myself drinking coffee, talking to this boy that I didn't even know. After some digging, I found out that he had a huge passion for music, and he grew up close to there, so he called it home.

     "I haven't seen you around here, which is strange because I've lived in the next town over my entire life; I know almost everyone," he chuckled.

     We were now sitting down at a small table near the window, watching the people outside. "Yeah, I'm visiting my brother; he lives about two blocks away. I come here a lot, I'm surprised I haven't seen you around."

     He seemed to talk carefully, think over each word carefully before he said it, "Well I'm on the road a lot. I travel a lot." He was smiling sheepishly.

     "That's so cool. How old are you?" I asked taking a sip of my latte.

     "Eighteen, turning nineteen in September. What about you?" He grinned out of the corner of his mouth.

     "Seventeen," I smiled back and clicked on my lock screen. It was getting late. "I should go, but I'll catch you around, okay?" I asked and stood up, taking my drink and my phone with me.

     "Yeah definetly, nice meeting you," He stood as well and smiled.

     I headed for the door with a, "You too."

     He yelled up to me, "Hey, what's your name?"


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