Chapter 11 - The Third Letter

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Minji woke up and stretched out her arms.

She then opened her eyes and realized that she's not in her own apartment.

She started to freak out until the door opened.

"Oh, you're finally awake."

It was Kai.

"Don't tell me I'm in your apartment." Minji said.

"Well, apparently you are. Dummy." Kai said.

Minji looked at herself and noticed she was still in her clothes.

"I know what you're thinking. I haven't done anything to you." Kai said.

Minji sighed out of relief.

"But can I ask you this?" Kai asked.
"What?" Minji asked back.

Kai walked towards the bed and sat next to her.

Minji gulped because she never had a guy sat on the bed with her.

"Why do you look like Yoona?" He asked.

Minji stayed quiet at that.

"Umm...I don't know. I get this a lot but I'm guessing it's probably our parents genes." She replied.

Kai stared at her and he then....leaned closer to her face.

Minji gulped and slightly leaned back. Kai leaned close and closer to her, until he smirked.

"Haha, you think I was going to kiss you." He laughed.

"Yah! I wasn't thinking of that, PABO!" Minji shouted.

Kai just laughed his butt off.
"It's not nice to laugh at that, Kai! What if some girl did the same thing to you??" Minji snapped.

"I wouldn't even do anything." Kai said.

Minji suddenly felt heart broken. She growled and got up.

"I'm leaving!"

"Mwoh? You know I'm just kidding right?" Kai asked.

"I didn't take it as a joke, Kai." Minji said.

"Mianhaeyo." He said.

Minji sighed. "It's okay. See ya."

She then walked out of his apartment.

Kai felt hurt.

Why did I lean closer to her? Wae?! He thought.
The next day, Minji was in her room looking through her books until another envelope fell.

She picked it up and noticed it immediately.

She sat down on her bed and opened it.

You found the third one! Just one more to go, Minji! I hope you and Jongin are getting along.

"Little by little." Minji mumbled.

Are you starting love him?


If you said, yes. Then here's my last wish.

Minji read even further and her heart beat even faster.

Stay with him him to fall for you.

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