Chapter 19 - What The Heart Wants

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"Anyway, I bumped into a cute girl today." L said.

"What cute girl?" Kai asked.

"I don't know how you described her, but she has really cute cheeks." L replied.

Don't tell me...he has feelings for her. Kai thought.

Ever since Myungsoo mentioned Minji to him, he's been thinking what he said.

His heart was beating fast like before. Like that kiss that he had with her.

*knock knock*

Kai just let out a sigh and turned to his to the door.

"Jongin-ah, are you going to eat? I got your favorite." L said.

"I'm not hungry." Kai said.

"Really? You're turning down on chicken?" L asked.

Kai sighed and grabbed his pillow.

"I'm tired, Hyung. I'll eat later." Kai said.

L sighed out of defeat.
"Okay. Just come down when you're hungry."

L closed the door and sighed.

He never turned down chicken before. He thought.
Minji served Carmel Lotte for Kyungsoo. Since its he's favorite now.

"So, how are you doing?" He asked.
"I'm doing okay." Minji replied.

DO smiled.
"That's good to hear. You haven't been visiting us lately."

"Oh, Minhae. I was busy. The cafe gets lots of customers." She said.

"Yeah." He said, as he drink his Lotte.

"Anyway, have you visit Jongin often?" He asked.

Minji gulped when she heard the name.
"U-ummm....not really."

"Not after the kiss, huh?" DO asked, smiling.

"H-how did you know?" Minji asked back.

DO chuckled.
"Jongin doesn't like to keep secrets from us. So, he tells us the truth. And he doesn't like to lie because he'll feel guilty right after."

"O-oh, I see." Minji said.

"Minji...can I ask you something?" DO asked.

"What?" She asked back.

"Do you like him? Ani, do you love him?" DO asked.

Minji shivered at that.

Is she beginning to love Kai?

"I don't know, Kyungsoo." She said.

DO listened closely to her.

"I felt like...he doesn't like me like that. We're just friends after all. And he did say I'm not his type. And also, I felt like I'm just a replacement." She added.

"Jongin just like to say that. And why do you think you're a replacement?" DO asked.

"He dated my cousin before, Kyungsoo. And all of you said that I look like her. Even Kai." Minji replied.

DO sighed and held her hands.
"I don't think he will think you're a replacement for your cousin. But it's in the past. And maybe because fate wanted you and Jongin to be together."

"Fate? You think? Fate can't set up a date for a boy and girl to be together." Minji said.

"Well, maybe Yoona wants this. She loves you and Jongin equally. Maybe she wants you to take care of him in her place." DO said.

Minji sighed.

"I know you feel like you're a replacement for Jongin. But maybe your heart is telling to be with him. It's what your heart wants." DO added.
Kai got up from bed and walked downstairs.

He noticed L playing his guitar and remembered the memory.

L was playing his guitar at the age of 8.

Kai listened to the rhythm and he can feel the beat to it. He then started to dance, freestyle.

L smiled at his little brother and kept on playing.

~~~End of memory~~~
"Remember when you used to dance while I play the guitar?" L asked as Kai snapped out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, I remember." Kai replied as he sat next to him.

L smiled and patted his back.
"Memories, right?"

Kai nodded.

"Anyway, Want to go somewhere tomorrow? Just to catch up with each other?" L asked.

"Sure." Kai replied.

L smiled and poked his forehead.

"Yah! What's that for?!" Kai exclaimed.

L just laughed.

"Remember? It's a habit of mine." He said.

Kai pouted like a 5 year old. The two brothers had a good talk that night.

Just like last time.

But Kai went to his room, he started to think about Minji again.

His heart was beating again. He sighed and jumped into his bed.

Bum....Bum... Bum...

Aish!!!! Shut up stupid heart! You have to make it worse?! He scolded himself.

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