Chapter 30

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Minji woke up and decided to clean up a little. As she was cleaning up...she found the last letter.

She quickly opened the envelope and read it.

You found the last letter. I was wondering what took you so long? Probably busy with Jongin, I bet.

Minji saw his name on the letter, yes, she's still hurt.

I had a feeling you and Jongin are having problems, but things like this can be tough around you two. Minji, he's been through a lot, but please fulfill my request.

Make him happy like before. That's all I wanted to see. Is to see him happy and also you.

This might be the last letter that I left, but I know there's one final letter. Good luck!


"Didn't you say you left me 4 letters?" Minji asked herself.

She sighed as she sat on her bean bag.

Where am I going to find it? She thought.
Kai walked out of his room and noticed Chanyeol and Baekhyun were watching TV. He didn't bother to say anything, but he went to the door step as he put on his shoes.

"Where are you going?" Baekhyun asked.

"Out." Kai replied.

He continued to put on his shoes and left.

"Yah, he's still upset." Baekhyun said.
"I think he's going to drink again." Chanyeol said.

"You think?" Baekhyun asked.
"Molla, let's see what happens." Chanyeol replied.
Minji was in the cafe since it wasn't that busy like before. She was staring at the letter.

She sighed and looked towards the window. She got up and put the letter in her apron pocket. She then starts to sweep up the floor, all in her mind was Kai. As she was sweeping, but bumped into someone.

She pulled away and notice that person.

"Myungsoo-sshi?" Minji mumbled.
"Can we talk for the moment?" He asked.
"Have you heard about Jongin?" L asked.

Minji shook her head.
L just sighed sadly.

"He's been drinking lately, just so you know." He said.

Minji quickly looked up, surprised.

"It's because of me, isn't it?" She asked.

"Ani, I didn't say that." L replied.

Minji sighed as she looked away.

"Listen, Jongin can't survive without you. He's not himself lately." L said.

Minji sighed and stood up.
"My shift is over. And...thanks for telling me how he's doing."

With that said, she left L sitting there.
Minji decides to close the shop and she walked out of the cafe.

Across the street, Kai was watching her from the distance. Every step Minji took, he follows.

He followed her all the way to her apartment just making sure she's safe. The truth is...Kai really misses Minji.

Kai went to back home, not his apartment though.

"Yah, where have you been?" DO asked.
"I was out." Kai replied.

"At least let us all know where you're going." DO said.
"Didn't Chanyeol and Baekhyun said anything? I told them that I was going out. Anyway, I'm going to my room." Kai said.

He walked right passed DO, but he was stopped.

"Did you went to see her?" DO asked.

Kai didn't say anything and went into  his room.

Minji sat in her room, staring at a picture of him. With the smile of his, she let a tear fell on the picture.


Kai was also staring the same picture but it showed Minji, doing ayego. He also let a tear fell and he didn't dare to wipe it.

He then flipped to other page. Showing Minji and him, cuddling each other as they wave at the camera.

Kai was now crying. His lips was trembling as tears were flowing down on his cheek.

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