Chapter 45 - Love

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Minji was still in the hospital since she's still recovering. She was still asleep, while Kai was wide awake and kissed her on the forehead.

"I'll be back soon." He whispered to her. Then he left the room and walked out of the hospital.

As he walked out....he pulled out his phone and dialed the number.

"Oppa? This is unusual."

"Sunny, meet me at the bridge. And you know what I'm talking about."

"Are we going on a date?"

"Ne, just meet me there."

Sunny giggled through the phone.
"Arasso, babe."

Kai hung up and felt like puking. Then a car drove up to him and the window rolled down.

"Get in. I'll drive you there."

Kai didn't hesitate to hop in.
"So, everything planned out, Myungsoo Hyung?"

L nodded.

"The police will be there as soon as they saw you go up. Suho and the others will be there too."

Kai nodded and glanced at the scenery as L drove.
Sunny was smiling as as she waited. Kai had a ear piece in his ear so the others can hear.

He made his turn to the corner and walked the stairs towards the bridge. Meeting Sunny.

"Oppa." She chimed.

Kai let her hug him. And it was annoying for him.

Kai held her shoulder and pushed her slightly away.

"Anyway, are we going for a date?" She asked, clinging his arm.

Kai sighed and turned to her.
"I didn't say anything about us dating."

"Then why call me to meet you here?" Sunny asked.

"Because of this." He replied as he held out the bracelet.

Her eyes widen in shock. She thought she lost it for good.

"What were you doing here yesterday? Faking a note that you left, making her believe it was me. That's the basics from your so called book, Sunny." Kai said as he glared at her.

Sunny just gulped in fear.

"I-I d-don't know what you're talking about. Did something happen?"

Kai kept his glare and held her arms and starts to grip it tight.

"You want to know?! YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW?! Minji had a miscarriage because of what you did to her yesterday." He snapped as he shook her back and forth.

"She was pregnant? What?" Sunny asked.

"Don't act like you're innocent, Sunny. Just because you're Lee Soo Man's niece, doesn't mean you can have everything." Kai replied.

Sunny shoved his hands off of her and smirked.

"I don't care, Kai. I don't care if she had a miscarriage. Even though I'm Lee Soo Man's niece, I can give you everything. That's why...I did this all for you, and I love you, Kai." She said.

"You did this for love? That's just outrageous! Can't you just tell I don't like you that way?!" Kai snapped once more.

Sunny just ignored him and started to hold his hand.


"Where's the prove? You're saying that I was the one who pushed Minji, down the hard stairs? And you don't have any evidence." Sunny said.

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