Chapter 46

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"Kai, you're doing it wrong!" DO snapped.

"Mwoh? How am I doing it wrong? I'm stirring the porridge just fine." Kai said.

"You've been stirring it for the last five minutes. It's going to get soggy." DO informed.

"Yah, stop arguing like a couple. Minji might be hungry, so work as a team will ya?" Chanyeol said as he chopped some beef.

Kai sighed and let the porridge boil.
"Kai-ya. Here, add some beef into it." Chanyeol said.

"Arasso." He said.

DO chopped some onions and put it into the porridge and then stir.

"Almost done."

"Sehun! Set the table! Baekhyun, get Minji." Suho said.

"Yah! Why does Baekhyun have to get Minji? I'm her boyfriend." Kai said.

"Well, you're quiet busy." Suho said.
"I'll take your spot, Kai. You go get your girl, since you're so jealous." Baekhyun.

"I am not!" He exclaimed.
"You are now." Sehun said.

They heard the door opened and closed and they also hear footsteps coming to the kitchen.

"What's all that yelling?" Minji asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"Nothing, Minji. It's just---"
"We're just cooking for you. That's all." DO cut off Kai.

"Oh." Minji mumbled and yawned.

"Did you get a good sleep?" Kai asked.
Minji nodded.

"I'll make some tea for you, so you'll wake up even more." He added.

Minji nodded again and went sit on the table.

DO turned off the stove and gave her a bowl of porridge.

"Here, Minji. You must be hungry." He said as Kai served tea to her.

Minji took a bite and it was delicious.
"It's delicious Kyungsoo Oppa."


She then tried the tea, which was her favorite. Green Tea with Honey.

"Thanks for the tea, Jongin." She said.

Kai smiled and held her hand.
"Anyway, we better get going. Kai, we'll meet you later." Suho said.


The other boys smiled and left the two love birds.

"Meet later?" Minji asked.

Kai nodded. "It's a secret."

"Secret? Wae?" Minji asked.

Kai chuckled and patted her on the head.

"You'll find out. And do you think you can manage for our date tonight?" Kai asked.

"Yeah. I can manage." She replied.

"Good." Kai said, and the held her hands once again.

"I want this date to be prefect."

"It doesn't have to be, Jongin. As long we're together...we'll have fun." Minji said.

Kai smiled and scooted his chair closer to her. He leaned forward and pecked her on the lips.


Kai chuckled.
"I don't get a morning kiss?"

Minji gulped as Kai leaned closer to her. Their lips are about to connect, but then.....

"Wah! Looks like a drama here!" Baekhyun exclaimed through the opened window, making Kai and Minji pulled away quickly.

"Continue please. It's too cu---" Baekhyun was cut off by Chanyeol's hand on his mouth.

"Minhae. We lost him somehow. Continue what you're doing." Chanyeol chuckled as he dragged Baekhyun away.

"Pabo! You have to ruin their moment?!" They heard Chanyeol scolding him.

Minji and Kai looked at each other and laughed.
Did you guys hear the news? KAI AND KRYSTAL ARE DATING! Like OMG!!! To be honest, I'm actually quite jealous, but Krystal has got a handsome boyfriend while I'm just single, desperately wanting a boyfriend like Kai. So Lucky, Krystal!

I love them both and will support them!

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